Are You financial stability Or Just Rich?



It amazes me this days the way people tend to live their life especially when it comes to spending money. most people believe when you have little and you squander it on clothes and material things, they believe they are rich but forgetting there is a different way to determine you being rich or being wise to spend.. Youth of this days have forgotten the fact that there is a difference between being rich and looking rich!

Material things have taken 80 to 90% of the youth there by making them forget about investing in their futures.. They never thought of what could go wrong at the later days of their life.. They spend all they have only to meet the standard of social life that does not care if they survive or not. All these things are thing you will still continue to need because your need to be in vogue is actually what is driving most people crazy and then leaving their future aside they for get karma is there for them..

This is why you would only be rich but never be wealthy! Being rich does not mean you have it all, but been able to manage yourself financially is the main goal and this will make you continue to have because when you invest in your future,that will continue to yield for you till when you will not be able to do the work or striving you are doing now and then you will have what to fall back on.. It takes discipline to attain wealthiness,

Be Wise, Karma Is Always There To Repay All What We Do Even To Our Own Self.....

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