My cat Luciano and his peculiar habit!


I know I haven't published my dear cat Luciano for a long time, but for so many reasons I've missed taking a picture of them again, but these days I made an exception when I got home.

Luciano has a habit of going to bed in the afternoon almost at nightfall in an old abandoned car in the patio of the house, as I had already told you, my house has a fairly large patio and Lucia, like Luciano in this case, has a great time playing in the.

Se que tengo mucho tiempo sin publicar a mi querido gato Luciano, pero por tantas razones se me ha pasado volver a retratarlos pero estos días hice una excepción llegando a casa.

Luciano tiene una costumbre de acostarse en las tarde casi por anochecer en un antiguo carro abandonado en el patio de la casa, como ya les había comentado, mi casa tiene un patio bastante grande y Lucia como Luciano en este caso la pasan muy bien jugando en el.

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But today's anecdote is that Luciano almost always spends his time in the car in those afternoon hours, I have always observed him as he calmly looks around him, people passing by, cars passing, children playing, birds that he wants to eat , among other things.

This time, arriving at the house, he was there, and he also has the habit of receiving me when I arrived but this time he was focused on a bird that was close to him, so I took advantage of the fact that it was not his point of attention to quickly look for the camera and be able to photograph it.

Pero la anécdota de hoy es que Luciano casi siempre se la pasa en el carro en esas horas de la tarde, siempre lo he observado como tranquilamente mira todo su alrededor, la gente pasar, los carros pasar, niños jugar, aves que se quiere comer, entre otras cosas.

Esta vez, llegando a la casa, el estaba allí, y tiene también la costumbre de recibirme al llegar pero esta vez estaba concentrado en un pájaro que estaba cerca de el, así que aproveche que no era su punto de atención para buscar rápidamente la cámara y poder fotografiarlo.

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Which turned out with total success, and as you know, Luciano is very photogenic, he is a very beautiful cat but this time he already knew what he was doing and he posed for me, I just took the photos, I did nothing else, not even entertain him, or call him, or anything, he just did his poses, as if he already knew what I was going for.

Lo cual resulto con éxito total, y como saben, Luciano es muy fotogénico, es un gato muy hermoso pero estaba vez como que ya sabia que estaba haciendo y poso para mi, yo solo tome las fotos, no hice mas nada, ni entretenerlo, ni llamarlo, ni nada, el solo hizo sus poses, como si ya sabia a que iba yo.

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Luciano and Lucia are my two loves, I was not very attached to animals before, but since the death of Lucy (Lucia's mother) it was a hard blow and through pain I understood many things, and I also understood all the affection that they they give us and the attachment they have with us, and sometimes we as humans do not understand and fail them.

The fact that they are animals does not take away from the fact that they have life, and animals are living beings, and "living being" implies many things.

Luciano y Lucia son mis dos amores, yo antes no era de mucho apego con animales, pero desde la muerte de Lucy (madre de Lucia) fue un duro golpe y por medio del dolor entendí muchas cosas, y comprendí también todo el cariño que ellos nos dan y el apego que ellos llegan a tener con nosotros, y a veces nosotros como humanos no entendemos y les fallamos.

El hecho de que ellos sean animales no les quita el hecho de tener vida, y los animales son seres vivos, y el "ser vivo" implica muchas cosas.

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I love my cats and I will try to photograph them much more, because I know that I have time without showing you some portraits of them, and I have failed you because I also have photos that you have never seen of them, but I have already started with this series by Luciano.

Amo a mis gatos y trataré de fotografiarlos mucho más, porque se que tengo tiempo sin mostrarles algunos retratos de ellos, y les he fallado por que también tengo fotos que nunca han visto de ellos, pero ya comencé con esta serie de Luciano.

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Thank you very much for all the comments and support, see you in the next post.

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I am also a cat lover, in my house I keep a lot of village cats and they are very spoiled. by the way and have taken good pictures.


Cats are the favorite models of many animal photographers, I think it is the animal with the most chemistry to be photographed.
