The photos that I did not share of my Luciano, you were more than a pet!



Today I want to share with you some of those unpublished photos of my cat Luciano that I did not share with you, as you know he died, he is no longer with me and he was a special cat for me and was part of some publications here on Hive.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas de esas fotos inéditas que no compartí de mi gato Luciano, como ya saben el murió ya no está conmigo y fue un gato especial para y fue parte de algunas publicaciones aquí en Hive.



With these photographs I want to continue remembering my cat and for you, showing what I never uploaded and that after months of his departure I now do.

Con estas fotografías quiero seguir recordando a mi gato y para ustedes, mostrando eso que nunca subí y que después de meses de su partida ahora hago.

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I had never felt so much love for an animal as I did for him, from when we had him little until he became a beautiful adult cat.

Nunca había sentido tanto amor por un animal como el que sentí por él, desde que lo tuvimos pequeño hasta que se volvió un gato adulto hermoso.

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One of the most beautiful memories I have of Luciano was how he received me every afternoon when I arrived from rehearsal or from some errand, he would stop in an old car, looking towards the street, waiting for my arrival, and he would receive me with his peculiar meow. and his happy cat caresses.

Unos de los recuerdos mas hermosos que tengo de Luciano era como me recibía todos tardes al llegar de ensayo o de alguna diligencia, se paraba en antiguo carro, mirando hacia la calle, en la espera de mi llegada, y me recibía con su peculiar maullido y sus caricias de gato feliz.



I have many mixed feelings, and more for this past week, I received a gift that stole my heart and that makes everything go back to where it started and it is something so special for me that I will soon tell you what it is.

Tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados, y mas por esta semana que paso, recibí un regalo que me robo el corazon y que hace que todo vuelva a donde comenzó y es para mi algo tan especial que pronto les diré que es.


I say goodbye, grateful to those who read this far and saw my publication, thank you very much for your support, see you in the next one.

Me despido, agradecido de los que leyeron hasta aquí y vieron mi publicación, muchas gracias por su apoyo, nos vemos en la siguiente.


Really beautiful cat, the cat always look nice in the photos, they are very photogenic, have a great day.


Thank you very much, Luciano was a great photogenic cat, very calm and obedient.


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!
