Is DPoS is even worse on POS centralization?


I came across interesting tweet threads on a Twitter handle named Namcios on Twitter on Why doesn't #Bitcoin move from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake?

I replied to this tweet by asking a question about Have you considered looking on DPoS? (Delegated Proof of Stake) 🤔.

I don't want to be harsh in my first comment so I want to ask a question if he has an idea on DPoS. However, it seems that he has no idea or just a little knowledge about how Hive DPoS works by seeing his response that If the argument is that PoS trends to centralization, DPoS makes it even worse.

Perhaps he has some points but it depends on which blockchain he is talking about especially if it has a Premine, Venture Capitalist, ICO, or Angel Investors which will make it centralized.

Kudos to @theycallmedan for helping me out, I admit that I will run out of bullets in this kind of argument so thank you for sharing your time for tweeting. I only have a spoonful of knowledge and my choice of words is bad too.

If we have a chance who can share their point of view under this tweet, please if we can try to participate and leave the tweet link below for small bonus hbd tips.

We love you guys, keep sharing and helping by showing Hive to the people <3
