Why Do Christians Celebrate Resurrection Of Jesus Christ?


Religion is part of human beings, without religion, some people would have turned to hooligans.
I met someone in the taxi, after the conductor collected money from him, the conductor insisted that he had not given him money for transportation. The man did not want to argue with the conductor, but the conductor insisted that he had not given him money.
To cut the whole story short, the conductor removed one of his shoes. That is just how conductors behave in my environment! The man put hands in his pocket and showed him the change that the conductor gave to him.
The man said, “if not Jesus Christ, I would have removed my shirt here and beat the hell out of you. Thank God I can behave like you because I am redeemed. You insulted me for the offense I did not commited. I have forgiven you already".
Easter is an important event in the christendom; we Christians believe that the death of Jesus Christ is more significant than his birth.
If there is no resurrection, there would be no hope for Christians: Christians believe in the power of resurrection. The resurrection signified the ‘blood of new covenant’. It is a sign that he saved his people from sins, the moment you are in Christ, sins have no power over you. That was the reason he went to hell to collect the key of death from the devil. Without resurrection, Christians would have been held captive in sin for life. It is a significant event that set Christians free from slavery and Satan.
Without resurrection there will be no hope for Christians for the rising if they die. We believe our mortal body died but our spirits will rise up with him; we believe we will be with him in his kingdom.

Without resurrection nobody will believe he is savior: it has been written that he would rise up on the third day. If he did not rise up, we would have been expecting another Christ. According to the scripture, it was prophesied that he would rise up on the third day. We would have been expecting another Christ.

There will be no Holy spirit: he said, “after I have gone, I will send a comforter to you".
If Jesus did not rise from death, the promise of the Holy Spirit would have been futile. There wouldn't be Holy Spirit.

The faith of Christians is based on the resurrection
Without his death, burial and resurrection, there would be no Christian and there is no gospel. Even if there is a church, there wouldn't be preaching about resurrection.

Without resurrection Christians preaching would have been false: All what we are hearing from the pastor in the church would have been false.
The apostles wouldn't have existed: without his resurrection, we won't have heard of apostles. Apostles would have not existed.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
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