Bringing a nutritious haven to the home, gardening also brings mental satisfaction

Hello dear hive friends,

Good evening to all hive friends. It's unfortunate that most farming activities in various regions of the country have been destroyed due to frequent floods and landslides. Consequently, the prices of vegetables have risen. While we must anticipate natural disasters, cultivating at home offers a solution—organic farming without chemicals. I find satisfaction in growing these crops within the limited space of my house. Let's explore the crops I've cultivated today.

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Green chillies are a must-have ingredient for us to add spice to our food, and Sri Lankans particularly enjoy spicy cuisine. I have cultivated young green chilli plants, and below, you can see some of the Kochi chilli crops I have. These chillies are extremely spicy. This plant can generate a good income in the market, as green chillies of various sizes and shapes can be grown in any garden. Although it requires some time to mature, the harvest is abundant. To ensure successful chilli cultivation, I incorporate Gliricidia sepium leaves into the soil. This enriches the soil, leading to a fruitful harvest.



Pineapple is a delectable fruit, and to ensure that growing pineapple plants doesn't harm the garden, I've taken measures due to the thorns on its leaves. Having pineapple plants in your garden not only yields fresh fruits but also offers numerous benefits. Recently, I crafted a curry using the pineapple harvest from my home. Caring for pineapple plants doesn't require excessive effort as they tend to grow quite naturally. Homegrown pineapples are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, fostering a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.

It's advisable to plant pineapples in a shaded spot, and they can even thrive in pots, offering the joy of indoor freshness right from the garden. This tropical delight is not only delicious but also a versatile addition to various culinary creations. So, if you have the opportunity, consider adding a pineapple plant to your garden for a sustainable source of this delightful fruit and a touch of tropical charm to your home.


Growing papaya at home is a straightforward and rewarding endeavor that offers numerous benefits. In my limited space, I've successfully cultivated papaya plants by selecting a sunny location with well-drained soil, ensuring optimal conditions for their growth. Papaya, being a low-maintenance plant, thrives with minimal care.

This delicious fruit is not only a delightful addition to your garden but also a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, contributing significantly to a healthy diet. The joy of enjoying organic, pesticide-free papayas right from your garden adds to the appeal of home cultivation. Depending on the available space, these plants can yield a bountiful harvest with proper care.

Papaya plants are known for their rapid growth, and they can flourish in a variety of climates. The fruits they produce are not just tasty but also bring the satisfaction of growing your own nutritious food. Cultivating papaya at home is a practical choice for those seeking fresh and sustainable produce within the comfort of their own space.


Turmeric cultivation is a rewarding experience that yields a fresh supply of delicious spices, offering both satisfaction and health benefits when grown at home. This spice plays a pivotal role in most culinary endeavors, contributing its distinct flavor to various dishes. The remarkable aspect of this cultivation is its adaptability to sandy soil, making it suitable for home gardens with diverse soil conditions.

In my modest gardening space, I've successfully cultivated turmeric, anticipating a harvest after 8-10 months. The signs of readiness are evident as the leaves turn yellow and begin to wither, indicating that the time for harvesting has arrived. The cultivation process ensures a homegrown, organic spice source that enhances the taste of dishes.

Sunlight is a crucial factor in the cultivation of turmeric, and my journey is captured in the accompanying pictures. This successful venture not only adds a flavorful spice to my kitchen but also showcases the joy of cultivating a valuable ingredient at home.


Meanwhile, snake beans are flourishing in my garden, and the time for their harvest is approaching. In this cultivation, organic matter is added to enrich the soil. Vigilance against insects is crucial, and precautions are taken against birds and lizards. The slender pods thrive well in warm and moist soil.

These snake beans contribute a crisp texture and unique flavor to various dishes, bringing joy to my gardening pursuits. Their cultivation enhances the richness of the soil, ensuring a nutrient-packed addition to my homegrown produce. Despite the challenges posed by pests, the satisfaction of cultivating these beans is immeasurable.

In conclusion, the thriving growth of snake beans in my garden is not only a testament to the care invested in the cultivation process but also a source of culinary delight, elevating the flavors of my dishes with each harvest.


Another thriving addition to my garden is the winged bean. Its cultivation in small pots requires minimal land yet yields a bountiful harvest. Vigilance against lizards and birds is crucial to protect the delicate flowers and leaves, which are edible and rich in protein, vitamins, and fiber, enhancing the healthiness of my diet. Witnessing the growth of these winged beans in my home garden is not only a rewarding experience but also a sustainable contribution to my culinary endeavors, turning my garden into a source of nourishment for both my plate and my well-being.


In addition to my main crops, which include green chillies, pineapple, and papaya, I have also ventured into cultivating cassava, bitter gourd, and local yams, albeit in a confined area. Cassava, particularly grown from its stem part, is thriving in the limited space, showcasing the adaptability of this versatile crop. Cassava is known for its resilience, making it suitable for various soil types, with loose soil being the most conducive. This flexibility allows cultivation even in small, irregular land areas.


Despite the challenges of limited space, the cultivation of cassava, bitter gourd, and local yams has been a rewarding endeavor. As someone without a regular job, engaging in diverse agricultural activities during my free time not only contributes to my sustenance but also brings fulfillment and purpose to my daily life. Stay tuned for more updates on my gardening journey.

Thank you reading
Have A nice day.
Best Regards,

Samadi Madushanki .


I am so glad to know that you have planted a lot of greenry in your spot.
Can i ask how did you grow that pineapple plant and is there any ginger cultivation in your region I am interested in.


Thanks for your valuable comments. Ginger is grown in small pots and pineapples do not require much attention.




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