Hive Gaming Community Daily Curation Project - 07/08/2023

Authored by @incublus

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Hive Gaming Curation Report

Welcome to another installment of Hive Gaming Curation.

@sugeily2 shares with us a game in which she played Wild Rift. For those who don't know, this game is the mobile version of League of Legends and it is quite fun. She seems to be warming up to this game and enjoying playing it a lot. The champion she's playing is Jinx and she's an ADC. It's worth noting, though, that if you're new to the game, the roles and champions don't matter. Everyone is just jumping on each other and trying to kill each other. If you've tried this game before, be sure to visit @sugeily2's post to give her some advice.

Elden Ring is not an easy game at all, so I would recommend you not to start with this game if this is your first time in the gaming world. The graphics, world and everything else is impressive, but the difficulty might make you frustrated. Although @victorcstr is not a novice gamer, he struggled in his first hours with this game. Of course, the fact that his character is still very weak also plays a role in this. Even though it was difficult, he managed to kill a few creatures after a while. I think we need experienced players again. Visit his post and feel free to help!

I love playing Indie games and it seems to be very popular in our community these days. @kuronokenshi shares with us a game called Hue. In this game you color the world you are in. Yes, you heard that right, your goal is to color this black world. There are puzzles to solve and you progress as you solve these puzzles. In between you will see very sweet cutscenes, which I think adds a lot of joy to the game. Don't forget to visit his post for more!


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@mehmetfixMordekaiser Against Two Annoying Opponents. (EN-TR) İki gıcık rakibe karşı Mordekaiser.


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@fernando.lubezkiSomething different: 3 Bows of Badon vs 3 Bows of Badon - Customized Arena in Albion Online


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@syberiaWangan Dorifto, the most complete drifting game of all. —eng/esp


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@sugeily2(ESP/ENG translated) First Wild Rift game to be so short-lived


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@soltecnoLoop Hero: an entertaining adventure [Eng+Spa]


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@kuronokenshiHue - Changing The Colors Of The World [ENG -ESP]


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@victorcstrI'm suffering and I'm just getting started 🤣 - Elden Ring - [ES_EN]


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@kaelci[Let's Play] Baldur's Gate 3 - part four

At Hive Gaming, we strive to highlight the best gaming content on the Hive Blockchain. We have scoured the community to find some posts that truly stand out in quality and engagement.

Engagement within the gaming community will only make our community stronger. So be sure to take some time each day and visit posts of others.

Be sure to join the Hive Gaming Community Discord and subscribe to the @hivegc account to stay up to date with all things gaming on Hive. Thank you for being a part of the greatest blockchain and for all of your contributions.

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hahaha Thanks for the support, my goal is to be able to finish the game while exploring the whole map :3


I am very happy to share with all of you. I have seen many people who play very well and I learn from your videos and post.
Thank you very much for your good advice and wishes.


They are good posts, I wish the best of luck to fellow players.
Thank you very much for your support in adding me to your selection of publications.


Thank you so much for supporting me 🤗
I am really happy about that.
