The third date with Death

I am liking the thumbnails that I see in today's options. However, I am weary that none of them will sing to me with as strong a voice as the first image I liked a lot in my first post on the search for my Death tarot card, using various generative art making processes.

In any case, by the end of this post, I'll have a clue as to what the final Tarot card image will look like; and potentially, any changes that I wish to make to it before calling that final one, final.


This definitely looks like a card. In terms of it being a representation of death, it fits the bill, too. However, there are some enormous glaring flaws with the imagery. One, the anatomy of the horse. Two, the anatomy of the horse (Again) - because it really is that bad.

The other things that are worrying about this image, and what leads it onto the path of unsuitability is the absence of legs for the character, and the presence of an additional horse without a head.


The next image follows a similar path, but it notable as a potential selection owing to the excellent way in which both hands of the central figure are rendered. Unfortunately, they're not holding a scythe, and are instead armed with a staff. That's not the weapon of death.

Beyond that, the horse looks like a toy, as opposed to a magnificent beast. It needs to be a magnificent beast. It is not.


This one is an interesting image, particularly with the depiction of the white rose adjacent to the main character. It is then with great pity that the representation of the horse is incredibly poor and almost a depiction of a completely mutant horse.

That's okay, because the world probably needs more mutant horsies, but they're not welcome on my design for a Tarot card about death.


I really like this next image. It is what I would imagine in my mind for a representation of death riding a horse, particularly with the skull-mask. It tends toward more of an illustration than when compared to the other images I've generated for this series so far, so I may keep this image in reserve in order to use elements from it to photobash into the version I still like from the first post.


And just down below is that very image. I love the uncanny view, and the horse. To me, this is all about the horse. I think I will be going down the photobash avenue to composite the final.


Its going to be fun combining these two images in Photoshop, which is what I will be doing in the next post. At least I didn't need to expend an enormous amount of cognitive load to make a decision on this one.

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Wow those images are gothic and mystical. Love me my blockchain art discussions!


Thanks for stopping by! :) There's plenty more to come!


The last image is undoubtedly the one I like the most. The horse's posture here makes the difference.


I struggled with this one because I think almost every image is "cool", but whether it is meaningful becomes the next ... question.
