Home Education Curation Collection. 15th January 2023


The community is slowly getting active again as we move on into the new year. There were lots of quality and thought provoking posts this week, just the thing to help give us new ideas as we begin or continue our homeschooling journeys.

First our usual thank you everyone who makes this community what it is. This week 5% beneficiaries for interaction and contribution to the HomeEdders community go to:




Something most homeschoolers place a lot of importance on is making sure our children enjoy learning. Knowing our children and working with their abilities is important for that. This week I enjoyed reading about how @taliakerch' son is getting confident in and enjoying developing his writing skills. He is left handed, so it was important to her that he had the right support to make his writing journey easy.

A new face in our community this week is @scarletcorner and she brings us an art lesson. It's a fairly simple painting of an apple in water colours and the process beautifully explained.

There were several great posts from @leomarylm this week and it was hard to choose just one to highlight. I eventually settled on her strategies to develop hand dexterity. These activities look like so much fun.

The next two posts share sorting activities. First up is @missdeli's colour sorting for early learners, with a wonderful explanation about why she chose to do this activity with her 15 month old and the benefits of this type of activity at an early age.

Then @belkyscabrera brings us an activity for slightly older children involving sorting animals according to the habitats they would be found in. I like that this activity can branch into further learning areas.

Thank you for joining us. This curation was brought to you by @minismallholding and this week I have added @canadian-coconut as 10% beneficiary for the ongoing delegation support. Thank you!
HomeEdders image created by @minismallholding, logo created by @ryivhnn's sister.


Supporting home education and educational content. If you’re a home educator, home educated or are thinking about home education, find out what we’re about HERE.

You can join the community by clicking the subscribe button on Hive or Peakd.

please feel free to join us on discord.


Congratulations to those selected this week, excellent publications with important contributions that help to strengthen education at home; thank you for the mention.



Thank you for the support received in this content. Let's continue to create and share in this beautiful creative community.

Greetings to all.
