Yeah, that's the name of a song I love so much sang by Jordan Smith. "ONLY LOVE" it is a song that serves as a reminder to us that we just actually need to love to make everything okay and better. I know this might be so hard for many because so many people have stopped believing that there is anything called love. Humans just keep getting selfish with every passing day and it's scary because we are not even sure what to do anymore.

Love covers a lot, how? Simple! When I love you, I can never think of anything evil to befall you. When I love you I will always be glad to help you even without you begging me first. When I love you I won't see you going the wrong way and leave you to still continue on that path. When I love you I won't be sad when you are happy and vice versa. When I love you I won't feel more Superior than you in anyway because I will always want to put you first.

Well, there is more to what love can do but I should end it at that for now. You see all of those things that I've mentioned that I would do if I love someone? That's how it should be for everyone and then we can really see good changes. Sadly it's just a myth in our world today because no one is ready to sacrifice his or her happiness for another. We've become more self centered and selfish, all we see is what would be of interest to us and not caring about the next person.

We lack love in our world and that is why it's so easy for anyone to cause harm to someone without even feeling bad about it. In fact some people today can't live on knowing someone somewhere is happy and that is really sad. We have forgotten the fact that karma is a bitch, what goes around will surely come around. If you refuse to love genuinely and find delight in causing harm to people then you should be prepared for what's coming.

Life is not so hard but we keep making it so hard and complicated for ourselves. If only we could just love a little more and care a little more then things will be a lot better. I need you and you need me, we need those plants and they need us and so on. Learning to always let go of hurt is another way to let love breed in us. No matter how unfair people might be to you, you still owe it to them to forgive them for your own good.

People might always want to cause you pain but you should never let them get to you, keep showing them love as much as you can and try to let go. Know that no one is going to live forever and we all will one day answer the call of the one who has made us and he is going to judge us righteously not like the judges of this world that can be persuaded. So let's love, treat others as we would like to be treated and forgive as much as we can.

All Images used are mine


Hmmm! Hope! You know, love is a complex thing. It's like a mix of contradictions. Love can be both white and black, beautiful and dangerous at the same time. It's quite interesting , isn't it?

It goes beyond this, Hope. Love is predictable. Sometimes, it is unpredictable. Most times, it is unpredictably predictable. Stay with me, Hope. I’m not crazy.

Love can build things. It takes hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades to build things with love. On the other hand, it takes seconds to destroy things with this same love.

If only we could just love a little more and care a little more then things will be a lot better.

If only wishes were horses, Hope. If only.


We make things complex when we don't Want to give them a try. Loving is not complex but it is when you think so.

Loving is living, yes it's hard but that's what makes it interesting, what matters is you are intentional about it 🥰.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution Fave 😊


Hope, it is not as easy as your putting in. You need to understand that this is reality.


Lol, this is reality? Really? Does that solves anything? For me it just gives room for us to continue with all of these.

Anyways, thanks for your input 🥰


I ll put it as Christ puts it. What ever you want men to do to you, do it unto them, this is the law and the prophets.

The world will be a little better, not sure if to call it love tho. Because wicked people will still exist, the foolish will be many.

The only man who showed true love go killed for it. The love we express through Christ is not just from the ability of man to be kind. But from the power of God.

True Love can only be seen and given in Christ by Christ in us.


Indeed, Love can only be given by those who are truly in Christ Jesus.

Thank you so much for your contribution to what I've said 🥰


You people still believe in love? Is okay.

Humanity has gotten to the point where love doesn't go in the mix anymore. It's more of, "what is in it for me?"

Some people are dead to the word love because of the pains they went through in the past.

These things are not black and white. There's that invisible thin line


I always enjoy it when I see people don't believe in something that I know exists, hehe.

Well, the world is getting worst in the aspect of showing love because more people are doubting it's existence and it is very expected but that will not stop me or others who believe to talk about it and hoping those who don't will have a change of heart.

Thin line you say? Well for me the line is very obvious, hehe
