RE: A Plate Full Of Love


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That's right, the mood of approach will determine whether or not she will take or reject the correction.

I felt like it was forced though, but then if this was going to happen in real life, I'm wondering what would happen if they broke up, will the King still eat onions? If no, that means it was really forced but if yes, that means she didn't only made him start eating the onions, she gave him a reason to enjoy it even when she's not there.

I'd prefer the latter, if someone is making me do something, I would be more fulfilled if I do that even when he is not there because I know the benefit of it and not just because I love the person or something. But then I'm always going to acknowledge the fact that they were the reason I got to see the light, hehe.


Do you really think it was forced though? Nah, I don’t think so. Love is really powerful. Arguably, the most powerful tool ever known to man. Love can make you do things. The king wasn’t forced to start eating onions. He did it out of love.


I wasn't sure if it was forced or not but for the fact that the King didn't made any efforts to correct her or tell her the food wasn't so nice made me felt like that wasn't a genuine love.

Well, it will definitely be nice if it wasn't forced and I'd only agree it wasn't forced if the king continues eating it even after she's gone, hehe.
