It was a Sunny Saturday and dad just left for work, I was at home with my younger brother when I started shivering so much. At first I thought it wasn't something serious since I had recently treated malaria so maybe it's just a little cold and it will be gone soon I said to myself. My brother was already up from bed while I was still lying down covering my body and shivering. I could feel how my body was trying so hard to get me back to it's normal temperature but everything was becoming futile by the hour.

I thought it was still a mere cold so I lay there trying to sleep some more but the more I tried to sleep, The more it felt like I was drifting away to somewhere farther. I felt this coldness within me and it wasn't good at all. I quickly tried calling my brother to come pray for me since I could even barely utter a word. Before calling my brother, I've already prayed so much in my mind but then I just thought that Maybe if my brother joined me in prayers it would be more effective.

My brother who was already getting very worried quickly came closer to me and prayed with me. Immediately after we finished praying, I felt this strength from within and this assurance that I'd be fine. But after about an hour more, it felt like my body got even worst. I quickly asked my brother to call my dad to come back home and take me to our family nurse. My dad took quite some time to arrive or maybe it was just because of how I was feeling, that was why I thought he took a long time.

Immediately he got home and saw how hot my body was and how weak I was, he asked me to stand up which I struggled to do and we hurried down to a nearby medication shop. Immediately the nurse saw me, she somehow knew what was wrong with me and gave me a malt drink since I haven't eaten anything yet and I needed to use some drugs. I could barely drink the malt but I had to force myself because she said if I couldn't finish it then she can't administer any medications to me.

I took the drugs she gave to me and she asked me to sit somewhere close so she can watch my performance. It wasn't even up to 20 minutes and I felt a lot better. I wondered what the nurse had given to me that helped me get better in such a short time. She gave us some more drugs to complete the dosage for three more days and we went back home. When my brother saw me he was just as surprised as I was and the only thing I could do was to give all the glory to God.

I'm someone that finds it so hard to take drugs, I always prefer to be injected than taking drugs and that was one reason why I didn't want to speak up at first to my dad, that I wasn't feeling too well before he left for work because I know he was definitely going to get me drugs which I won't want to take. It's safe to say I used my precious life to play for some hours. Normally, whenever I get sick, all I needed to do was rest well, eat well and pray then I'd be fine but that day it was different.

Due to that experience, I got to accept the fact that there is time for everything and I shouldn't be to hard on myself. If something is wrong, I should learn to speak up and not try to do everything all by myself. I also got to learn from that experience that it's always good to have people or someone around you at every point in time because you don't know what the next minute holds. I was so lucky that my younger brother was around because it won't have been a story I could tell.

Ever since that experience, I've always tried my best to do better at taking drugs when I'm not feeling well, instead of trying to act all strong just to avoid it. I was actually thinking that I wasn't going to make it because that was the first time I felt that way and it was really strange. I won't say I exactly saw death but then I felt it approaching really fast but God saved me by giving me the right people around me.

That's all to my response for this week's topic for the Hivelearners topic on "THE RISKS WE TAKE"

All Images used are mine


That's kind of a experience... My fear is that injection.. lol, I'd rather take drugs than getting injected but I see different scenarios.

I'm glad you're safe and nothing bad happened.



Hahaha, yeah a lot of people preferred drugs but then I prefer injection because I'd most times threw up the drugs.

Yes, I'm glad I lived to tell the story. Thank you so much for stopping by 🤗


Injection mate, taking drugs sucks 🤢, but sometimes when you start feeling down at the beginning it's advisable to take over-the-counter drugs so it won't get worst. I am happy you conquered the sickness


Yeah that’s better but my stupid fear always step in the way but I’m glad God saved me.

Thank you so much for stopping by dear 🥰


I don't like drugs either, I rather be injected. Drugs often leave a strange taste in your mouth, making it hard to enjoy meals. That's by the way, The most important thing is that you feel okay afterwards.


I'm glad you can relate with this. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts 🥰


I also prefer injections to drugs. It's good your family was around you when it happened and you got the help you needed.



Yes ma'am, I'm glad someone was around. And I'm glad I'm not alone 🤓


Hey, Hoppppoey.
First off, twisting looks really good on you. Really really good.

Wait a minute! Hold up! You prefer injections to drugs? Why? Like, why? I find it difficult to comprehend the fact that some people actually prefer injections to drugs. You prefer sharp objects piercing your skin, and staying in your body for seconds than swallowing pills? Nah!! I don’t like injections are all.

Normally, sharp objects scare me. Talk less of them piecing my body. My mom is a nurse, and she knows I don’t like injections at all. I can only accept to take it if and only if the sickness is serious.

I'm glad you learnt a very valuable lesson, Hope. Thank God you conquered the sickness.


Thank you so much for the compliment Fave 🥰.

Yeah, I know you prefer drugs to injection but that makes the both of us directly opposite in that regards, lol.

Thank God oo and thank you so much for stopping by 🤗


I hate being sick so much, it's always such a horrible feeling. You even prefer injections, I dislike drugs and injection together; At my big age, I still cry whenever I take injections.

Thank God you better, sorry in arrears sis❤️


Hahaha, I dislike getting sick in general, lol. I always wish I won't fall sick so I don't have to use anyone.

I'm glad I survived and thank you for your best wishes dear 🥰


Ms. Hope... please take care of yourself! !LOLZ You can't play Russian Roulette with your life. I'm glad the nurse gave you the appropriate treatment and that you recovered quickly. Was it a recurrence of Malaria, or something else that brought you to such a low point?

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.



Hahaha, hi Sam I won't do that again 😂.

Yeah, it was a reoccurring malaria, the last time I used just injection and I guessed that wasn't enough for it.

Thank you so much for stopping by Sam ❤️🤗
