AI, the self-cannibalism of programmers - IA el auto-canibalismo de los programadores




This issue of chatbots that use artificial intelligence is a very interesting topic. For several days I have been reading and researching, all from the failed Google Bard.

Just yesterday, talking to a computer friend like me, he told me that he asked ChatGPT to write a class in C# .NET to achieve the resolution of an algorithm that he needed to make that day. He not only did it, but it was better and more efficient code than he himself could have written with many years of experience using that programming tool. "We're running out of work, he told me."

Nature can be cruel in many circumstances, in some as a self-defense mechanism against the disastrous effects caused by man in the name of development, in others simply by following unwritten laws that only the Earth knows and that we strive to understand.

There are some animals that eat others, and man has also done it in the past and not so far, for power, for fun, for necessity, even though this sounds horrible, it is an indisputable fact.

But there are a few that go further and eat themselves, although it may seem incredible, self-cannibalism exists. Sea squirts are small invertebrate animals that are part of the group of tunicates. They live under the sea, but unlike other tunicates, they do not swim freely as part of the plankton, but stick to rocks and remain on them. Its main function is to filter phytoplankton and other suspended particles. An essential characteristic of its life cycle is to eat or rather absorb its own brain and other parts of its body such as the tail and the nerve cord, leaving only a cerebral ganglion that helps the animal perform the only function for which it exists. : feed. It is not the only case, there are several animals that eat part of their own bodies, some species of vipers can cut and ingest their own tail, and cats eat their own placenta after giving birth, and there are other examples.

But this particular tiny animal reminds me of the programmers, it is undeniable that a large part of the idea and development of this matter of artificial intelligence has arisen from them, they have projected it, they have programmed it, they have introduced the enormous amount of data that feed it and have tested it thousands of times to obtain a creature capable of answering practically any question, even programming better than its creator.

Microsoft with its IntelliCode, GitHub Copilot, and PyCharm are clear examples of the use of artificial intelligence to improve code written by human beings. How long will it be before the person behind a development tool is no longer necessary?

Will this be the end of programmers?

Only time will tell if this is self-cannibalism and if it will fulfill the unintended function of destroying those who gave it life.


Este asunto de los chatbots que utilizan la inteligencia artificial es todo un tema por demás interesante. Desde hace varios días he estado leyendo e investigando, todo a partir del fallido del Bard de Google.

Ayer mismo, hablando con un amigo informático como yo, me comentó que le pidió a ChatGPT que escribiera una clase en C# .NET para alcanzar la resolución de un algoritmo que necesitaba confeccionar ese día. No solamente lo hizo, sino que era un mejor y más eficiente código que el que el mismo podría haber escrito con muchos años de experiencia en el uso de esa herramienta de programación. “Se nos acaba el trabajo me dijo”.

La naturaleza puede ser cruel en muchas circunstancias, en algunas como un mecanismo de autodefensa ante los desastrosos efectos causados por el hombre en nombre del desarrollo, en otros solamente por seguir leyes no escritas que solo la Tierra conoce y que tanto nos afanamos por entender.

Hay algunos animales que se comen a otros, también el hombre lo ha hecho en el pasado y no tan lejos, por poder, por diversión, por necesidad inclusive aunque esto suene horrible pero es un hecho incontrastable.

Pero hay algunos pocos que van más allá y se comen a sí mismos, aunque parezca increíble el auto canibalismo existe. Las ascidias son pequeños animales invertebrados que forma parte del grupo de los tunicados, viven bajo el mar, pero a diferencia de otros tunicados no nadan libremente formando parte del plancton, sino que se adhieren a rocas y permanecen en ellas. Su principal función es la de filtrar el fitoplancton y otras partículas en suspensión. Una característica esencial de su ciclo de vida es la de comerse o mejor dicho absorber su propio cerebro y otras partes de su cuerpo como la cola y el cordón nervioso quedando únicamente un ganglio cerebral que ayuda al animal a realizar la única función por la cual existe: alimentarse. No es el único caso, hay varios animales que comen parte de sus propios cuerpos, algunas especies de víboras pueden cortar e ingerir su propia cola, gatas que comen su propia placenta luego de parir, hay otros ejemplos.

Pero este particular y diminuto animal me hace recordar a los programadores, es innegable que de ellos ha surgido gran parte de la idea y desarrollo de este asunto de la inteligencia artificial, la han proyectado, la han programado, le han introducido la enormidad de datos que la alimentan y la han probado miles de veces para llegar a obtener una criatura capaz de contestar prácticamente cualquier pregunta, incluso programar mejor que su creador.

Microsoft con su IntelliCode, GitHub Copilot, PyCharm son claros ejemplos del uso de la inteligencia artificial para mejorar código escrito por seres humanos, ¿cuánto faltará para que la persona detrás de una herramienta de desarrollo ya no sea necesaria?

¿Será este el fin de los programadores?

Solo el tiempo dirá si esto es auto canibalismo y si cumplirá la función no planificada de destruir a aquellos que le dieron vida.

Las fotografías son de mi propiedad excepto las que menciono la fuente.
The photographs are my property except those mentioned by the source.

Héctor Gugliermo


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I believe the future of programming will be programmers using AI to improve their development or speed up it.


That is not the future, that is already happening right now with some tools that I mention in the post. But that is not the problem because you have to be trained in these tools, in the use of resources, and in the best way to present or request information.
The biggest problem is in chatbots where without needing to know anything you can request the resolution of an algorithm, for example, in the language you want and it does it, you don't need to be a programmer, analyst, designer, project leader, nothing. Anyone can get a good code.


The AI based chatGPT will somehow get the track .What will be the future is hard to predict.However chatGPT has its own limitation and improvements ..


I totally agree with your assessments, there is still a long way to go before the AI is completely reliable.
