Can NFTs become a solution for creator/artists?


NFTs- people are calling it the best digital goods you can have. I don't own any nor I'm thinking of buying anytime soon. I'm still analyzing the market and seeing people get millionaires on NFT marketplaces.

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For now, there are only a few sorts of NFTs, right? But I guess the market is expanding.

Twitter is integrating NFTs
Facebook is taking part in the building of a metaverse
Nike is creating NFT verification on shoes
Coinbase is building an NFT marketplace

This is what I found from

But the list is longer than this, like Tiktok, Coca-Cola is on the list too.

And this is not going to stop there.

As NFTs are a digital asset that links ownership to any kind of unique physical or digital items, so the market is going to take over in a few years. We will get to see NFT identity is everything like music, real state, any kind of social media contest including all the arts and creative works.

This statement says a lot that it can be a solution for any creator/artist/creative work out there to make their own money in a whole new way. And I say, without putting too much extra effort.

You can read about pplpleasr an NYC-based artist, how NFTs
changed her life.

This is just the beginning. I believe, we are gradually adopting a whole new world for creators and NFTs as well as crypto would become an earning solution for us.

You can read my previous article about NFTs NFT craze - Where we are going?
