You are a Champion

This post is dedicated to everyone who in one way or another has second-guessed themselves, been depressed about not doing well, dealing with identity crisis, wallowing in self-pity, etc.

I live a very simple life, bearing in mind that if there is no solution to a problem today they’d definitely be one eventually. I have come to understand that it’s okay if you haven’t figured your life out at a certain point, or haven’t hit a major milestone, or you probably do not know where or what you want to be in the next 10 to 15 years but it becomes a problem when you decide to wallow in your misery because of the pressure of society.


I believe that I am a champion and that I can achieve anything I decide to do, if not now but eventually and I wish a lot of people could have such a mindset instead of falling into depression every now and then because of challenges they feel they can never overcome.

Prior to this time I was scared of putting myself out there or trying out new things, I was scared of failing. Even when people around me could vouch that I could do something I would always chicken out.

I hated the feeling failure left in my heart and the invisible cage that prevented me from trying again. Over time I was forced to see failure in a different light, yes it hurts to fail but what failure helps you do is prevent future occurrences, failure teaches you certain lessons you couldn’t see from watching from the sidelines, and it motivates you to get it right and when you finally overcome it, you are braver and a lot wiser😃


Do you know who champions are? They are winners, they rise above failures and every form of societal criticism, they go all out and they come out as Champions.

Stand Up (For the Champions) was produced by Right Said Fred in 2002 and to date, this song is played in so many events. The song is ageless, it’s a major hit every single time it is being played. One of the reasons why it would probably be played for many more years to come is the triumphant feeling it evokes every single time you listen to it.

This song inspires me in so many ways. The song doesn’t just lift my spirit anytime I listen to it, it also stirs something in me and such a feeling is indescribable.

In Stand Up (For the Champions) the songwriter Fred admonishes us to believe in ourselves against all odds, falling but not remaining on the ground as champions fall and get back on their feet again and again.


Stand Up (For the Champions) also preaches about inner strength. As humans we need the strength and courage to go through this journey called life as the journey is filled with so many challenges and one can be weary sometimes.

Life can get really tough, some situations can sometimes look hopeless and people might fail in the process but being a ‘’CHAMPION’’ according to Fred means picking yourself up even when you fall because that’s just how life is, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

One thing I tell myself and other people is that it’s one thing to proclaim positive things about yourself but it’s another thing to believe the things you say and behave accordingly. Saying you are a champion over and again wouldn’t change a thing about your life if you don’t begin to see yourself as a champion or act as a champion.

So stand up for the champions
For the champions stand up

Stand Up (For the Champions)
Feeling that you aren’t good enough? Or feeling depressed? I recommend you listen to Stand Up (For the Champions) and remember, just like I tell myself every day, it's okay to take your time and embrace the journey, You have such a positive aura, and that's what makes you a champion! Keep pushing forward and learning from your failures. You're on your way to achieving great things!

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


This is one song i won't get tired of listening to. It evokes the winner in me every time I listen to it. I wonder what inspired the song too but nonetheless, I'm glad he chose to compose this song for the world to enjoy.

When I fall down, I pick myself up and stand as a champion.

Cheers to us as champions 🥂🥂


Cheers to us as champions 🥂🥂

Yes baby we are champions and that's all that matters!!!


I love the fine pictures
Indeed, we should never be depressed because we feel we are not competent to face life.
We all have our capacities and we should appreciate how much we try and if 2e feel we are not doing as much as we want, we should be pushed to try more instead of being depressed



To think that I was beginning to look down on myself.

This post is really helpful and has lifted me. Thank you for sharing.
I am a Champion, this I believe.



When you are not afraid to fall or never giving up despite the challenges staring at you, you are a real champion and I can say I truly am a CHAMPION. Thanks for such an inspiring post.
#dreemport #dreemerforlife


You know, you made me remember, i don't know the name tho, but its a saying that goes by "what if too tough" "what if its too hard" "what if is too rough"......
Then, there was a chorus, "we can do anything we put our mind to"

That's means, its possible to win either way life turns..
Thanks for sharing❤



A beautiful piece that celebrates the gift of giving back to ourselves, believing in our worth and striving to be better as champions. Absolutely !LUV it.🌹


You've got an amazing mindset @ibbtammy. As many will say, we do not need to look like our problem. We need to believe in ourselves even when nobody else believe. And most importantly, we need to keep being positive...

Thank you so much @ibbtammy


This song, despite having been sang ages ago still passes across that spirit lifting message. We are all champions but before that, there are hurdles to jump over; the failures to be experienced along the way.

Failure discourages a person from pushing further towards his goals but with a positive mindset, one will be able to see it as a stepping stone rather than what it appears to be. And then comes the award of triumph 🏆.
