FUNGIFRIDAY : Three Types of Fungi I Found Today


Fungi Friday

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

Hello friends #fungfriday wherever you are I hope you are all always given health and sound mind so you can meet me again on this occasion, today is Friday as usual I am here to share some photos of mushrooms that I found in the forests and today I'm showing you three types of mushrooms.

Talking about mushrooms is not foreign to mankind because mushrooms have various species that grow in various forms in forests, generally mushrooms grow in damp places and many grow mushrooms on rotten wood, and today I found three a type of fungus that grows on rotten wood and some time ago it rained in my area and I was lucky to find mushrooms growing there.

The first mushroom that I share today is a very small type of mushroom and it has the shape of a stem and the top looks like an umbrella but it looks a little round for this mushroom color tends to brown and the bottom looks a little bigger than the top, indeed it is naturally and almost all mushrooms have the same shape as that, to see the mushrooms I mean below I have prepared them.

Next the mushrooms that I found today are white and they don't even have long stems like the mushrooms that we often find and this type of mushroom is one of the edible types and the taste is also quite good for the size of this mushroom around 5 to 10 cm depending on where he grows, if he is not exposed to direct sunlight then he can grow up to 10cm but if he is exposed to direct sunlight and he can only last about a few hours after that he wilts again, generally this type of fungus grows from the morning until noon but some can last until the afternoon depending on where it grows and generally this type of fungus is found also growing on moist wood and to see some photos of the fungus, let's look at it below.

Next, I also show one type of edible mushroom, it looks like the mushroom I show below is almost the same as the second mushroom I showed, but with a slight difference, this mushroom has a slightly longer stem than the mushroom I showed in number two, and tends to be this fungus is a type that has a creamy white color and it also grows usually on rotten wood and on coconuts that have long fallen, I found this type of fungus has grown several times on coconuts that have long fallen under the tree, but today different from before and I found it growing on dead wood as well as other mushrooms that I show above, for more details how the photo of the mushroom I mean let's check it together below I hope you like it too.

All the mushroom photos above I took with my android phone camera Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime and when I took them I added a macro lens on my smartphone, and as you can see I also took pictures from different angles, for photo editing I used Mobile Lightroom and the results are like what you have seen above I hope you are entertained by what I show today, that's all from me until we meet again next Friday of course in this beloved community.

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung J7 Prime + Macro Lens
LocationAceh Forest - Indonesia

Thank you for visiting and see you next Friday

Best Regards @idayrus


Wow the dark colour is so satisfying love these 😍


glad to hear you like it mate. Thank you very much have a nice day my friend.
