My entry for the Hive Learners contest " W28E1 " | Be wise to set the budget to suit what you want to spend

Hello friends #hive everyone how are you I hope you are always in good health

Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community, today I am back in front of your eyes to share my story about budgeting funds to open a business. Before proceeding to the discussion, I would first like to thank the Hive Learners community for giving me the opportunity to enter this contest. As we know this week is the 28th week of the first edition of the contest in this beloved community.


When we want to buy something or want to build a new business, of course we need capital and with that capital we have to really plan so that everything is organized and carried out well so that everything we want to target is achieved with the data we have prepare.

Talking about the budget is certainly not foreign to our ears because when we want to buy something or want to spend something important then everything must be organized and written if I personally am currently building a business in the photo studio field of course it requires a large budget and I have made plans against the funds that are in me because if I do not make a written plan then the budget that is in me will not be achieved with the target I want to spend.


I have a budget that would be sufficient to build a minimalist photo studio business and all the funds that I currently hold I have targeted whatever I want to buy and after I have targeted it so that the data in the bookkeeping is all directed and I I can take advantage of the existing budget by maximizing what I want to spend.

Currently my photo studio business is running and in the next few weeks I want to spend some items with the funds that I have collected and of course the items I want to buy I have prepared and I adjust to the existing budget with so the items I want target will be in accordance with the funds that I have saved from the very first I want to describe some of the items that I want to spend from the largest to the smallest and of course I will think about spending something more important first because in order to meet the existing budget.


Using a very minimal budget, of course, it is very difficult to use it to its full potential, but I have tried to achieve what I want to spend as I mentioned earlier. First of all, I want to spend something more important because I want to open a business and of course. in terms of business, later on I can get a profit after I get a profit Of course I can buy other necessities, the point is that at the beginning I targeted whatever item I wanted to buy was more important than other items that were less important then from it's an existing budget although it's very little I could improve by maximizing to spend something more important first.


Maybe today that's all I can tell you about the budget and of course what I'm telling you today is related to what I'm currently running. Well maybe if there is a reading error in my writing, I apologize profusely because I wrote correctly. My local language is Indonesian with the help of Google to translate into English. That's all from me, until we meet again in the next discussion, of course, in this beloved community.

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English




For a normal citizen like me, budgeting is really important when I wanted to buy something. I am not stingy but I usually spent only within my budget. I don't like the feeling to be run out of money as much as possible as I've been there.
Yet, of course I do treat myself too from time to time.


yes you are absolutely right. we have to buy only the essentials. Thank you for visiting with a good comment.


Wow, that was nice idea to management your cost.
Good work mate. 👍


Thank you for your kind comments mate


We can achieve our fullest potential even on a little budget. Its all dependent on the mindset.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


that's right boss. we have to be smart in managing the budget so that the target we want to buy is achieved. Thank you very much for your kind comments chairman.
