The beauty of the Purple Golden Flower


Hi all friends how are you today
Greetings to all of us who are already in this beloved community. Today I am back in front of your eyes to share some pictures of purple golden flowers that I have photographed in front of my house this afternoon.

The beauty of flowers is always the main attraction for everyone. I personally really like various kinds of flowers and like the purple golden flower that I share, it has a very beautiful color, namely purple and of course this color makes me quite comfortable when I look at it.

As we know that the beauty of flowers is much coveted by women, so many of the women plant various kinds of flowers in front of their house because they are believed to beautify the yard of the house, like the purple golden flower that I share, which was planted by my mother in front of her house and of course so well cared for that she blooms so beautifully.

As usual, for taking pictures, I took pictures with the Android Samsung Galaxy S20 ultra camera and I took some of these pictures from different perspectives, while editing the pictures I used Adobe Lightroom and some of the photos, let's check them out below, I hope you like it.

NOTE : I write in Indonesian with the help of Google to translate to English

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung S20
LocationAceh - Indonesia


About me

My full name is Edi Suryadi, many friends on hive platforms call my name Idayrus, I come from the country of Indonesia which is especially located in Aceh Province, I was born in 1997 until now I have completed my education in college with a bachelor's degree in Science Communication. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a photography and art lover and new things so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus
