My First Favorites Series


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Today there are many new series, which excite you and catch you, with each chapter, each season, is something that excites you, you want to know about their characters, in which each story is based, understand the reason for their actions, but above all to know how it will end.

There are many types of series, with different stories to tell, stories of magic, suspense, drama, horror, doctors, superheroes, in short, a little bit of everything, and with each one, we usually feel identified, we fall in love with their scenes and the message they convey.

Now I ask you, What was your first favorite series?, the one that caught you from the first chapter, with which you could not take off for a moment, so much so that you just wanted the day to come to continue enjoying another chapter, or simply did not sleep watching the whole season in a single day.

We all have our favorite series, those that today we remember fondly, that from time to time we watch again, just to remember them a little, to return to our characters, those that captivated us at the time, those that we loved and hated, that made us laugh, cry, and even despair for their actions.

Let's travel a little in time, this time I wanted to share with you my first two favorite series, the first I saw, and that today bring me fond memories, and if I confess that from time to time I seek to re-watch one or another chapter, especially the most memorable, those that brought me a tear, a smile, that captivated me, with those unique and unforgettable scenes that I still keep in my memory.

My Series.

I like to watch a little bit of everything, but the ones that most caught my attention at that time were the medical series, I remember the first one I saw, it was called E.R., which was released in the year 1994, culminating in 2009, and consisted of 15 seasons.

**E.R. was a series based on a group of doctors, in charge of saving lives, in the Emergency Room of the hospital, in this area the ambulances arrived with each patient, where the work of these doctors, was to stabilize them, do everything possible to save them and then send them to the surgeons, so that they perform their respective operations and continue with the work of as I said save the patient.


A story surrounded by drama, romance, showing us the personal life of each one, both doctors and nurses, and like any series, there is always a protagonist, in this case we had several doctors, who showed us their human side involved in each case, with the different patients they attended.

It is a series that hooks you from the first chapter, with its scenery, the characters, and each chapter, telling a different story, for me it was one of the best memorable series, as it was one of the first, I think, with this style, based on the medical area.

It should be noted that this series was set in the Country Hospital in Chicago, where we could see how the events unfolded in each shift, between day and night, which employed doctors, nurses, and hospital administration.

This series featured iconic actors today, among them the famous actor George Clooney, at that time was a young actor playing the role of pediatrician Doug Ross, on the other hand, we have Noah Wyle playing John Carter, which began as a young medical student, an inexperienced, but eventually became one of the best.

It certainly consisted with different characters, which some of us loved and others hated, but that, even so, never ceased to surprise us, if you ask me for my favorite character, among them Dr. Luka Kovac played by the actor Goran Višnjic, certainly a very handsome actor do not believe, but who also played a great role.


On the other hand, there are also those characters that bothered us with their arrogant attitude, such as Dr. Robert Romano (Paul McCrane), an arrogant doctor, where his end was quite tragic; at the same time we could see the participation of other actors and important characters from different series.

In each season we were able to see a different plot, and like any series, with new characters, new stories, different scenarios, because not everything was based on the hospital, there were also scenes where some of these doctors went to support in Africa, or in the war.

In each episode we could see how their work affected them, in their personal lives, as well as their growth and professionalism.

It was a great series, it covered a lot, I remember watching it on TV every morning, they would show a different episode, I always made sure I didn't miss any of them, if you recognize it, tell me which was your favorite character and what scene do you remember that was memorable?

Another Series to Remember

Now let's go to another style of series, as I said I enjoy every different story, among the supernatural, is one of my favorites, today there are many series that have come out showing us some epic character, among ghosts, demons, aliens, that trap us, and wrap us in that world of mystery and magic.

Does anyone remember this famous series Charmed, was one of the first series, which encompasses all this world full of magic, demons, and supernatural beings.

This series premiered in 1998, consisted of 8 seasons, and culminated in 2006, which tells the life of three sisters, who discover that they come from a lineage of witches, turning them into the three most powerful sorceresses.


Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, that's how they were called, being Prue the oldest sister, following Piper and finally Phoebe, three young witches, who live together in a house, in San Francisco, being here where they develop this magical power, and face all those demons that want to destroy or separate them.

Each sister possessed a different power, let's start with Prue role played by Shannen Doherty, she had the power of telekinesis, she could move things with her hands, at the beginning she did it with her eyes, but as time went by, she was developing and improving her powers.

Piper the one in the middle played by Holly Marie Combs, had the power to immobilize both objects and people, she was the one who least wanted this power, she longed for her normal life, also over time she developed her powers even more, being able not only to paralyze, but to make them explode.

The little Phoebe which personified Alyssa Milano, she did not like this power very much, since she counted on the power of premonition, however, also with time she understood what she could get to do with this great power.

This series began with these three young protagonists, however, we can see how in the fourth season of the series, makes its entry another witch, Paige Matthews, (Rose McGowan) another sister that the young witches were unaware of its existence.



To be honest with you, this was the part that I didn't like very much, and that is that, to make her entrance, the young witch Prue had to leave, and so the three witches were left again, here everything changed, the series began to lose its true charm, its originality, even so, it was a good series.

Full of magic, spells, demons, angels, in short, a little bit of everything, I can't deny that I really liked to see when they did those chants with their spells, but it was very easy the way they killed their demons, don't you think?.

A series that started very well, with its main characters, covered all that magical and supernatural world, that nowadays we can see in many other series, of course more updated and with better scenographies, but without a doubt Charmed, remained for the history, an entertaining, epic series, full of spells, enchantments, beings of light and darkness.

If you enjoyed it as I did, even in its first seasons, let me know, tell me which of the three witches was your favorite, or what you didn't like about this series.

These were my first series, I have many, I will share them with you little by little, to continue traveling in time, remembering those epic series, the first performances of those who today became great actors, or decided to abandon their careers and devote themselves to other things, even so, they captivated us with their great roles.

Thanks for reading me, I read you in the comments, see you in the next one.



Hoy en día existen muchas series nuevas, las cuales te emocionan y te atrapan, con cada capítulo, cada temporada, es algo que te apasiona, quieres saber de sus personajes, en que se basa cada historia, comprender el porqué de sus acciones, pero sobre todo el saber cómo va a terminar.

Existen gran cantidad de tipos de series, con distintas historias que contar, historias de magia, suspenso, drama, terror, de médicos, superhéroes, en fin, de todo un poco, y con cada uno, solemos sentirnos identificados, nos enamoran con sus escenas y el mensaje que transmiten.

Ahora te pregunto, ¿Cuál fue tu primera serie favorita?, esa que te atrapo desde el primer capítulo, con la que no podías despegarte ni un instante, tanto así que solo deseabas que llegara el día para continuar disfrutando de otro capítulo, o simplemente no dormías viendo toda la temporada en un solo día.

Todos tenemos nuestras series favoritas, esas que hoy en día recordamos con cariño, que de vez en cuando volvemos a ver, solo para recordarlas un poco, volver a nuestros personajes, esos que nos cautivaron en su momento, los que amamos y odiamos, que nos hicieron reír, llorar, y a hasta desesperarnos por sus actos.

Viajemos un poco en el tiempo, en esta oportunidad he querido compartirles mis dos primeras mis series predilectas, las primeras que vi, y que hoy en día me traen gratos recuerdos, y si les confieso que de vez en cuando busco volver a ver uno que otro capítulo, sobre todo los más memorables, esos que me sacaron una lágrima, una sonrisa, que me cautivaron, con esas escenas únicas e inolvidables que aún guardo en mi memoria.

Mis Series.

A mí me gusta ver de todo un poco, pero las que más me llamaban la atención en ese entonces fueron las series de médicos, recuerdo la primera que vi, se llamaba E.R., la cual fue estrenada en el año 1994, culminando en 2009, y consto de 15 temporadas.

E.R. fue una serie basada en un grupo de médicos, encargados de salvar vidas, en la Sala de Urgencia del hospital, en esta área llegaban las ambulancias con cada paciente, donde el trabajo de estos médicos, era estabilizarlos, hacer todo lo posible para salvarlos y luego así enviarlos con los cirujanos, para que les realicen sus respectivas operaciones y continuar con la labor de como dije salvar al paciente.


Una historia rodeada de drama, romance, mostrándonos la vida personal de cada uno, tanto de los médicos como de las enfermeras, y como toda serie, siempre hay un protagonista, en este caso teníamos varios médicos, los cuales nos enseñaban su lado humano involucrado en cada caso, con los diferentes pacientes que atendían.

Es una serie que te engancha desde el primer capítulo, con su escenografía, los personajes, y cada capítulo, relatando una historia distinta, para mí fue una de las mejores series memorables, pues fue una de las primeras, creo, con este estilo, basado en el área médica.

Cabe señalar que esta serie se desarrolló en el Hospital Country en Chicago, donde podíamos ver como se desarrollaban los hechos en cada turno, entre día y noche, que empleaban los médicos, enfermeros, y la administración del hospital.

Esta serie contó con actores iconos hoy en día, entre ellos el famoso actor George Clooney, en esa época era un joven actor interpretando el papel del pediatra Doug Ross, por otro lado, tenemos a Noah Wyle representando a John Carter, el cual comenzó como un joven estudiante de medicina, todo un inexperto, pero que con el tiempo se convirtió en uno de los mejores.

Sin duda consto con distintos personajes, los cuales algunos amamos y otros odiamos, pero que, aun así, no dejaban de sorprendernos, si me pregunta por mi personaje favorito, entre ellos Dr. Luka Kovac interpretado por el actor Goran Višnjic, sin duda un actor muy guapo no cree, pero que también hizo un gran papel.


Por otra parte, también están esos personajes que nos molestaban con su actitud arrogante, como el doctor Dr. Robert Romano (Paul McCrane), un médico prepotente, donde su final fue bastante trágico; a su vez pudimos ver la participación de otros actores y personajes importantes de distintas series.

En cada temporada lográbamos ver una trama diferente, y como toda serie, con nuevos personajes, nuevas historias, distintos escenarios, porque no todo se basó en el hospital, también hubo escenas donde algunos de estos médicos se fueron a prestar su apoyo en África, o en la guerra.

En cada episodio podíamos ver como les afectaba su trabajo, en su vida personal, así como su crecimiento y profesionalismo.

Fue una gran serie, abarco mucho, recuerdo que la veía por televisión todas las mañanas, daban un capítulo diferente, siempre estaba pendiente de no perderme ninguno, si la reconocen, díganme ¿cuál fue su personaje favorito y que escena recuerdan que fue memorable?

Otra Serie que Recordar

Ahora vámonos a otro estilo de serie, como les dije yo disfruto cada historia diferente, entre lo sobrenatural, es uno de mis favoritos, hoy en día hay muchas series que han salido mostrándonos algún personaje épico, entre fantasmas, demonios, alienígenas, que nos atrapan, y nos envuelven en ese mundo de misterio y magia.

¿Alguno recuerda esta famosa serie Hechiceras?, fue una de las primeras series, que engloba todo este mundo lleno de magia, demonios, y seres sobrenaturales.

Esta serie se estrenó en el año 1998, consto de 8 temporadas, y culmino en el 2006, la cual nos relata la vida de tres hermanas, que descubren que vienen de un linaje de brujas, convirtiéndolas a ellas en las tres hechiceras más poderosas.


Prue, Piper y Phoebe Halliwell, así se llamaban, siendo Prue la hermana mayor, siguiendo Piper y por último Phoebe, tres jóvenes brujas, que viven juntas en una casa, en San Francisco, siendo aquí donde desarrollan este mágico poder, y se enfrenta a todos esos demonios que quieren destruirlas o separarlas.

Cada hermana poseía un poder diferente, empecemos por Prue papel interpretado por Shannen Doherty, tenía el poder de la telequinesis, podía mover las cosas con sus manos, al comienzo lo hacía con los ojos, pero a medida que transcurría el tiempo, iba desarrollando y mejorando sus poderes.

Piper la del medio interpretado por Holly Marie Combs, contaba con el poder de inmovilizar tanto objeto como personas, era la que menos quería este poder, ella añoraba su vida normal, también con el tiempo fue desarrollando aún más sus poderes, pudiendo no solo paralizar, sino hacer que exploten.

La pequeña Phoebe el cual personificaba Alyssa Milano, ella no le gustaba mucho este poder, ya que contaba con el poder de la premonición, sin embargo, también con el tiempo comprendió lo que podía llegar hacer con este gran poder.

Esta serie comenzó con estas tres jóvenes protagonistas, sin embargo, podemos ver como en la cuarta temporada de la serie, hace su entrada otra bruja, Paige Matthews, (Rose McGowan) otra hermana que las jóvenes brujas desconocían de su existencia.



Para serles sincera esta fue la parte que no me gusto mucho, y es que, para hacer su entrada, la joven bruja Prue tuvo que salir, y así quedaran nuevamente las tres brujas, aquí cambio todo, la serie empezó a perder su verdadero encanto, su originalidad, aun así, fue una buena serie.

Llena de magia, hechizos, demonios, ángeles, en fin, de todo un poco, no puedo negar que me gustaba mucho ver cuando hacían esos cantos con sus hechizos, pero era muy fácil la forma en que mataban a sus demonios, ¿no creen?.

Una serie que empezó muy bien, con sus personajes principales, abarco todo ese mundo mágico y sobrenatural, que hoy en día podemos ver en muchas otras series, claro más actualizado y con mejores escenografías, pero sin duda Hechiceras, quedo para la historia, una serie entretenida, épica, llena de hechizos, encantos, seres de luz y oscuridad.

Si la disfrutaste como yo, aunque sea en sus primeras temporadas, házmelo, saber, dime de las tres brujas, cuál fue tu favorita, o que no te gusto de esta serie.

Estas fueron mis primeras series, tengo muchas, se las iré compartiendo poco a poco, a seguir viajando en el tiempo, recordando aquellas series épicas, las primeras actuaciones de los que hoy en día se convirtieron en grandes actores, o decidieron abandonar su carrera y dedicarse a otras cosas, aun así, nos cautivaron con sus grandes papeles.

Gracias por leerme, los leo en los comentarios, nos vemos en la próxima.

Cover and Banner edited with Photoshop
Sources used picture series: Sensacine, Filmafinity
Filmafinity1 ER// sensacine2 Charmed// sensacine2 ER
Sources used picture cover and picture: Pixabay
cine1 // cine2//televisor
Bitmoji with app Avatoon
Video Youtube



Mine was PSYCH, for sure.
A goofy psychic police detective and his sidekick. Classic. 🙃



E.R. was a phenomenal series, very watchable. I remember one episode that was shot all in one sequence shot. Many actors and actresses came out of that series who became very famous. I remember when one of them dies, a helicopter falls on him. I also remember Charmed, one of the actresses was from the series Beverly Hills, very problematic, there was a lot of news about her problems, until she was taken out of the series.


Yes, many of the actors that came out of that series are very well known today, and if Dr. Romano, it was because the helicopter fell on him.
Charmed a great series, too bad about its initial protagonist, they had to take it out, there lost a little charm, however it was good while it lasted, thanks for commenting friend, greetings.😍


My first real series was peaky blinders, although it's a relatively new series it's still one of my best. you should check it out. I know about E.R and charmed but didn't watch it😂


Well I've been watching series for a long time, that's why my list is old hahaha you're talking about now, yes I saw Peaky, a good series too, good performances and good plot.😍


Actually 🤧 Tommy Shelby 🚬


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ER y Charmed, ambas las vi aunque recuerde más el final de ER que el de las brujas.

Creo que mis series favoritas son X-Files, Lost, primeras temporadas de That 70' Show, Westworld y seguro que otra más.


They were good series at the time, fond memories.

I remember lost, very good too, there are many series that remained in the memory, I will share them, thanks for commenting, greetings.😍


Oooh those are my childhood in there! I love house in addition too ❤️❤️❤️


Nice, good memories, that great place, thanks for commenting, cheers,😍


ER no la vi, pero charmed si era una de las que siempre veía junto a mi mama. No sé decir cuál fue mi primera serie favorita, seguramente haya sido la caricatura de las tortugas ninja, en mi infancia esa era mi preferida, pero también recuerdo las series animadas de los X-Men, los ThunderCats y He-Man, las sitcoms Salvado por la campana, ¿Quién manda a quién?, El príncipe del rap, Paso a Paso, Tres por tres, Alf el extraterrestre, Dinosaurios... y otro tipo de series como Los inmortales, deslizadores y Roswell. Gracias por hacerme recordar todo esto, saludos y hasta la próxima.


To remember is to live, you have a long list of good series, no doubt those times were good, all memorable, thanks to you for commenting, greetings.😍


Me encantaba charmed 💖 un total vicio para mi jejeje, me gustaba los nombres de las protagonistas y que sus nombres comenzaran por la letra P.

E.R la vi varias veces pero no era tanto mi apego hacia ella.

Excelente post,me ha traído excelentes recuerdos!


Hechiceras was the series that I liked the most, thanks for reminding me, I loved watching it in my afternoons, I was very traumatized when the first older sister died, but then I was adapting little by little, since you commented I would love to see it again, thanks for bringing me such a beautiful memory.


If I also impact me, I did not like much but anyway, the series continued, it was certainly a good series, to remember, I'm glad you liked it, thanks to you for stopping by and comment, greetings.😍


Personally, the series that I liked the most were the C.S.I. series, they are very interesting and intriguing, besides Forever, which is another very good science fiction series.


good series all CSI, every day with an interesting case, that of Forever I do not know, but it's good to remember, thanks for commenting, greetings.
