
When Paul came to Ephesus he met certain disciples that said that they were disciples of John and had never heard anything about the holy ghost. Paul explained the baptism of John to them, he then baptized them in the name of Jesus, laid his hands upon them and the holy ghost came on them, they spake in tongues and prophesied. They were twelve disciples (Acts 19:1-7).

Paul preached in the synagogue for three months but response was not encouraging so he separated the disciples and was disputing in Tyrannus school for the period of two years. Many people in Asia both Jews and Greeks heard the word of God. The Lord did special miracles by the hands of Paul. Even the seven sons of Sceva; imitated Paul by trying to cast out demons from somebody but the man leaped on them and attacked them, they fled out of the window wounded and naked. This also made the people to magnify the name of the Lord. Many people believed on the Lord and they came confessing, gave their charms and magic books to be burnt. God’s word grew and prevailed in this city (Acts 19:8-20)
Paul remained in Asia for a season, there a certain man by name Demetrius a silversmith whose business of selling silver shrines of the Greek goddess Diana was severely affected through Paul’s preaching instigated others to riot against the disciples.

They dragged Paul’s companions Gaius and Aristarchus into the theatre, also got hold of Alexander. The city clerk was able to reason with them and convinced them to settle their grievances in the court so he dismissed them. Paul was restrained by the disciples not to enter the theatre. (Acts 19:21-41)
After the uproar, Paul assembled the disciples and embraced them before departing to Macedonia, many disciples accompanied him to Troas where his team arrived from Phillippi. He met with the disciples when they came together and preached to them because he was leaving the following day. He preached until day break and during the course of his preaching Eutychus slept and fell down from upstairs and died. Paul raised him from dead. He broke bread and ate with the brethren before he departed. (Acts 20:1-12)

Paul and his companions after passing through some cities arrived at Miletus, he sent for the Ephesians Elders who hurried to meet him at Miletus. On their arrival, he addressed them by reviewing his past contact with them. Pointed out how he had been with them for two years, how he taught them publicly and from house to house, how he declared the whole counsel of God to them, that he had not coveted any man’s silver, he had exemplified Christ and by these he was pure from the blood of all men. He also reviewed his present situation of going bound in the spirit into Jerusalem not knowing what shall befall him. Also their present situation for them to take heed to themselves, unto all the flock that has been given to them by the holy ghost to oversee, also feed the church of God which He has purchased with His own blood. He reviewed the future by praying that he might finish his course with joy. He then warned about the grievous wolves that will enter among them, not sparing the flock, even among them shall arise to draw away disciples for themselves. (Acts 20:13-30)

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Paul then commended them to the grace of God, and the God of grace. After a tearful prayer session, the Apostle boarded the ship and bid them goodbye. (Acts 20:32-38)
The team landed in Tyre after passing through many cities. At Tyre the Holy Spirit warned Paul not to go to Jerusalem. After Tyre they left to Caesarea where they visited the home of Philip the evangelist who had four unmarried daughters who were prophetess. Again Paul was warned by prophet Agabus by demonstration of the type of treatment he will receive. Agabus and other believers begged Paul not to go but Paul rather encouraged them not to break his heart for he was ready not only to be bound but to die for the name of the Lord Jesus. They all consented to the will of God to be done (Acts 21:13,14)

Finally, they all left for Jerusalem taking along with them disciples from Caeserea and Mnason of Cyprus that will host them in Jerusalem (Acts 21:15-16).
