Decrease the Stress -5minutefreewrite



By singing! Singing nonsense! Last night my kid wanted to play with me, and I think I did a pretty damn good job, but then I found myself falling asleep because I was exhausted, and the poor kiddo was like, aw man. It was all ok, but I wish I had the wakefulness of a more energetic person. Could I decrease the stress and get better rest and be more wakeful more of the time?

Probably. You know what won't decrease the stress? What I'm about to do, which is list all the projects I want to be a good self-starter about this year. Yep, it's early January, which means AMBITION

  1. figure out self-publishing @stinawog's first novel
  2. turn the Werewolf game into a novel
  3. edit my nanowrimo novel from so many years ago and then publish it, too
  4. edit together the sketch I shot in 2022
  5. maybe that's enough.
  6. follow through on the puppet classics show with Veronica and Julie
  7. write the solo show with Stina that we've been tossing about
  8. maybe that's enough now
  9. build a team of improvisers to go to stuff together with... to do shows and make things with.
  10. list us on that gig site... gigsalad? yeah.
  11. perform improv at birthday parties, yay, and make those bog bucls...big bucks

Ok, now I'm just rambling

I want to make some more movies.


Great plans.. you can reduce the stress if you make it all work.
