Karma Carry Explodes! Teamfight Tactics

Hello, gamers! I mentioned that this week might be based on Teamfight Tactics and here we go. This game is not as legendary as yesterday's post, but then again, you can't make something that legendary Today's post can be called epic :P


You can watch the video here without commentary but I'll share one with commentary soon:

The universe of this game is Shuriman Bazaar. All champions in the carousel will have two item components instead of one. This means you can give more items to more champions, so it makes sense to favor compositions with more carries.

I started this game with the legend of Bard, whose silver augment randomly gives you a champion worth 3 gold every time you level up. If you're lucky and it gives you champions like Garen, Darius, Karma, etc., you'll never have a hesitation about which composition to play. I chose this one because the other options are not very good.

And the champion I found when I leveled up was Karma. This means I can play a good Invoker composition. I don't have great items, but I can get 2 items at a time from the carousel so it's not a problem.

I immediately started planning my composition, it's not too hard because I know the champions I want to use. If I find an invoker emblem the champions might change but otherwise this is the best version of this composition.

I can't say I was very lucky with the second augment, but the Shopaholic augment is not bad at all. I don't know what the English for this augment is and I translated it myself XD The champions in the first 3 rows of your shop are based on the odds of one level higher. So that means I can stay at level 6-7 and easily make Karma 3 stars. I already have 3 Karma and I'll get 2 more if I get to level 7. Isn't that very advantageous?

It's important to have a strong composition, but it's more important to play that strong composition alone. When you play with someone else, they'll take your champions and that means they'll be missing from the pool, which means they'll be harder to find. Especially in compositions like Karma, if you don't make 3 stars, you lose the game completely. So either find your champions before them or wait for them to get unlucky.

I wouldn't expect a 2 star Karma to be this powerful, even though I have good items, this much damage seems a bit much. By the way, Karma is your carrier in this composition and the best items you can give him are Jeweled Gauntlet, Giant Slayer and Hextech Gunblade. Not only will it deal a lot of damage, but it will also heal your frontline and make them survive more. It makes a lot of sense!

For the last augment, I decided to pick a glitter item and honestly I had very good options. I could have chosen Hextech Lifeblade here, but Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap will allow me to deal a lot more damage, so I chose it. Even if my champions don't heal, Karma will deal so much damage that it could win me the game. There is never one absolute truth in TFT, you have to decide everything on a case-by-case basis.

You should carefully watch your opponents who play the same composition as you. If they are doing badly, this is great news for you, for example, I managed to destroy my opponent here who played the exact same composition as me, which is not something that happens often. I could have won much easier, especially if I had only found 1 more Karma and made it 3 stars.

I easily eliminated my opponent who played a Void composition because I managed to make Karma 3 stars and look at the damage he did. My opponents don't stand a chance because all their carries are destroyed in a few seconds. Thanks to Rabadon's Ascended Deathcap, my damage is really high. Hextech Lifeblade would have been very effective too, but this is more fun to watch :P

Here is the final version of my composition. It will be stronger if I use Ahri instead of Yasuo, but the important thing is to have 3 Ionia, 6 Invoker, 2 Targon and 2 Bastion active. Also you better have an item that will reduce the opponent's magic resistance or it might take a long time to kill the frontline.

Look at this damage! The one you can't see at the top left right now was Lux, my opponent's only eater carrier. And because he's playing Demacia, he has a little bit of extra magic resistance. Despite that, Karma showed him no mercy. He needs to make a few champions 3 stars to have a chance against me.

You should never underestimate your opponents in this game XD Somehow my opponent managed to make a 3 star Jarvan and this champion is no joke. He stuns your champions for 8 seconds and that means I can never beat him. Maybe I could try to trick him somehow, but I don't think it would work. Before my opponent made a 3 star Jarvan, I beat him easily, but after he made it, I had no chance.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to see more game posts, you can follow me. Take care and have a great day!

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That last fight. I mean, COME ON! His backline survives with no HP. That kind of shit can be so infuriating. Good game overall, I liked your positioning.


Well, I don't think I can win even if they die, but as you said, they survived with literally 1 HP. I can't say I'm always good at positioning, sometimes I'm absent-minded :P


I think you win because without Lux their whole team would be stuck hitting Taric that is healed by Soraka. But she melts him after she survives that hit. J4 3-star is lucky ofc but isn't really someone that can carry no matter how absurd his stun is.

Haha yeah, sometimes my positionings are braindead too. It depends on how much energy I'm playing the game with.


Exactly, depends on how you feel and your awareness.


Ohh super karma is a super powerful character, the truth is, I'm not good at occupying it in classic lol, maybe in this version I'll be lucky, I hope I can try it and see how it goes, well played


Unfortunately time by time you come to my posts and comment that you'll try this game. Alright but when?


Tremendous combination! I have to say that in LoL Karma is a very troll champion, is very tank, has damage and the best gives you shields!!! haha, but here is much worse!!! Unbelievable forgive me dear friend, but I will use his strategy to go up to gold :D

Very good video Sultan!!! greetings :D


Yeah if you are playing in low elo that composition can make you gold, glad you liked it mate 👍


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4 cost champions at 3 stars is pretty much an autowin; you only had to remove a few Jarvans to avoid that catastrophe haha.


Yeah it just destroyed me, maybe I could trick him with lineup but didn't think that I can win. Only if I had 3 star Taric or sth like that.


Your positioning is great , and the game is also looking very good , since how long you are playing this game ?.


I'm playing this game for a long time like 4-5 years but it changes every 3 months so you need to follow and play constantly to be a good player.
