Move with the Rhythm! Teamfight Tactics Set 10


Hello TFT lovers! The new set is just around the corner and this might be my last game to share with you. Maybe I can share one more game but no more. My advice to you is to enjoy the last days before the set is gone!


You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

Remember this universe? I think it's the same as the last game I shared. In the Showtime universe, headliner champions spawn as if they are 1 level higher than your current level. For example, at level 8 you can see 5 cost headliners. I have given this example before

In this set, a lot of reroll compositions have been in the meta and I've played enough of them, so instead of the prismatic ticket, I chose the Radiant Relics augment. It allows you to gain a radiant item and I chose Radiant Spear of Shojin, Spear of Hirana.

I managed to go on a 5 game winning streak in the early game. If you saw this, know that I had a great game lol. Lulu is a really good champion and 4 Sentinel is very good tanking in the early game. Headliner Garen is strong, of course as a temporary champion :P

As 2nd augment I didn't find the most optimal option, but it's obvious that I will play a ability power composition in the end. In this case, choosing Magic Wand augment will help me. My units will gain 18 ability power.

Look at Lulu's power! The mid-game was also great for me. There are two reasons for this, as you can see I have a strong board. The champions and stats I use are strong. On the other hand, if you look at the left side, there are no items on the side. This means that I utilized all my items. And that's one of the keys to having a winning streak in the early game. It's not the best option, but it's an average way of using items.

I've been on a winning streak all game and will most likely win the game. One of the rare augments that can make this probability certain is the Golden Egg. After 11 turns you get an egg that will hatch and when it does, you get a lot of loot. Winning against players reduces the egg's incubation time by 1 turn. So if I win 6 turns, this egg will hatch. Or 5 turns + 1 minion turn. I hope I don't start losing all the battles heavily because Prismatic augments can strengthen the lobby a lot.

I changed my headliner champion to get into the late game, Twisted Fate is a good ability power carrier. I could have played that composition as well, but playing him when I'm in such a good situation would have been underutilizing my potential. So I used him temporarily. This opponent playing that composition broke my winning streak. When I told him that he played that composition wrong, he told me to mind my own business. Okay, buddy.

I reached level 9 and found the headliner version of the champion with the best ability power items, Sona! Sona was mostly used as a support in this game, but I always believed in her power as a carry. If you watch the video you will see how powerful she is. She is able to destroy opponents just by touching them. Or should I say she mesmerizes them with her rhythm?

By the way, I can't tell you anything special about my composition. This is the whole composition where I use all Spellweavers champions. I placed some strong champions next to it, like Illaoi, Ziggs and Mordekaiser. I was winning so easily that I didn't realize there were 2 Gragas on the board XD

Finally the moment came and I faced my opponent again, who was playing the Twisted Fate composition, and unsurprisingly I destroyed him. I beat him so heavily that when the fight was over I had as many champions as if I had just started. Go back to your lobby and cry man!

I'm down to the final two, but there's a problem. My opponent has a Zed 3 star! Zed is a very strong champion and when he has Radiant TG he can do wonders. Of course, he has to be a little lucky. These items are not the best options.

When the round ended I couldn't believe my eyes XD I beat him and I didn't even really struggle. It was easy.

He couldn't take the pain anymore and chose to surrender. He must have thought that if I can't beat him even this way, I can never beat him. I think he was right 🤣

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my post. As always, share your thoughts with me in the comments. Take care and have a great day!

Play More, Live More!


This time you did manage to win and with a pretty good advantage, my friend. Best regards!


Thanks mate, yeah it was frustrating because Viego was 1 star but at last fight I managed to win!
