Star Guardians Shining! TFT Set 3.5

Hello game lovers, we are in the last days of TFT Set 3.5. In a few days the game mode will be gone and I'm trying to enjoy the last days as much as possible, of course by trying different compositions. And now I will share with you the Star Guardians composition.


You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

The universe of this game is Larger Legends, so all players start the game with 115 health. It's a good universe for compositions that lose in the early game and get stronger in the late game because you have extra health points to lose.

In the minion rounds, I started directly with Star Guardian champions and chose the Latent Forge augment in the hopes of getting a Manazane item. This augment will give me a relic anvil after 8 turns of fighting against players. I hope we will be lucky because for 8 rounds we will fight as if we don't have an augment.

In the early game I lost all five of the five fights, so I had a losing streak. This composition is really weak in the early game because I don't have a good tank and I need items to do enough damage. If I had started this game with Shojin's Spear I could have even had a winning streak with Syndra.

I've mentioned many times how annoying the crowd control effects are in this set, so my 2nd augment will be aimed at blocking it. The Indomitable Will augment allows my team to clear all negative effects and block crowd control effects for 10 seconds when I kill an enemy in combat. It's very powerful for a silver augment, all you need to do is kill an enemy every 10 seconds.

I had an absolutely horrible mid-game, my losing streak was broken because I won a battle every once in a while and I suffered such heavy defeats. Even in this fun mode people play very weird. They never bother to save gold and make compositions. They just spend their gold and press D all the time.

Finally, I chose the Return on Investment augment because I somehow managed to reach level 7 and from now on all I need to do is make my champions 3 stars. Especially if I can't make Syndra Ahri and Neeko 3 stars, I will definitely lose the game.

The most disgusting part of this game was that I never got the items I wanted. In every carousel, someone somehow managed to get the item I wanted before me. It's unfortunate, but I'll find a way.

Or not? I have 8 HP and my opponents are all very strong. I don't have a single item I want. Maybe this composition can only be played in the best conditions.

Even though I'm not in the best condition, I finally managed to make my Syndra 3 stars and gave her Shojin's Spear. For the 3rd item, it would be much better if you prefer Blue Buff or Jeweled Gauntlet, but since I don't have one, I gave her Guinsoo's Rageblade. The faster she attacks, the more abilities she uses and the more abilities, the more chances to win.

Alright, here is my composition complete. I managed to get a Janna from the carousel and Janna is one of the most important champions in this composition. Thanks to Paragon, my Star Guardian champions start dealing real damage. This makes me stronger against every composition. Moreover, with her ability, she uses crowd control and buys time for my champions.

Syndra is the main carrier of the Star Guardian composition and the most important items are Shojin's Spear, Jeweled Gauntlet and Blue Buff. You can also choose another ability power item instead of Blue Buff. The reason for this item is to allow Syndra to use abilities non-stop. The specialty of Star Guardian champions is that when one of them casts an ability, it grants mana to other champions with that trait. You should go for Neeko as a tank and always use a Protector champion to buff her, my recommendation is Rakan because his ability applies a crowd control effect. Give mana items to your other Star Guardian champions as well. The more items you have like Blue Buff, Shojin's Spear, the better.

I was almost in last place, but now I managed to eliminate this opponent who was playing Ezreal carrier and become one of the last 2 players.

The last player was playing a weird composition where he made all Chrono champions 3 stars. I managed to beat him once.

However, I couldn't beat him a second time because Ezreal was ridiculously strong and killed almost all my champions with a single ability. Maybe I should take a look at this composition too?

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. 2nd place is not the best thing, but even making it to the top 4 from where I was was a great achievement. Don't forget to share your thoughts about the essay and my post in the comments. Take care and have a fun day!

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