You Can't Escape From My Arrow! TFT - League of Legends


Hello all, I'm back to playing TFT and if you remember last time I said I could play Ashe carry because she was very strong and Ashe won me the last game. By the way, I played this game with @therealflaws, it's been a week since we played and I'm not sure if he remembers this game. Without further ado, let's get to the game!


You can watch the video of the game here. No commentary unfortunately 🤐.

I didn't have any composition in mind when I started the game, but since the first augment was the champion augment, I had to choose the composition. Laser Focus augment is Ashe's carry augment and I heard it's really strong. It's worth a try! The only problem is that I don't have any Lasercorps champions and I need to make my champions 3 stars in this composition.

The first 5 rounds were pretty average for me. I couldn't win streak or lose streak, but I don't mind since I got the item I wanted. I just need to make my champions 3 stars.

The second augment choice was average for me. I didn't find a perfect augment but I can't say it was bad either. Thanks to the Celestial Blessing, my champions will be healed for 15% of their damage.

Ashe with 2 stars and only 1 item does really good damage. 4250 damage is not bad at all. This is not my strongest at the moment. It's just the beginning.

WTF! I managed to make Ashe 3 stars and gave him one more item. Guinsoo's Rageblade is not one of his best items but I think it's a good item. I think it's also effective in dealing 10200 damage. I'm level 5. Normally I wasn't planning to make Blitzcrank 3 stars but he became 3 stars by himself and he is a good tank so I decided to do it. All I need is 1 Blitzcrank and 1 Renekton and then I can go to level 8 without losing.

The last augment choice was thought-provoking for me. New Recruit augment allows me to use 1 extra champion or Woodland Charm augment duplicates my champion with the highest health. Since I have 3 star champions here, I would have very high health copies, so I chose Woodland Charm. I won't have a problem with using extra champions when I reach level 8.

Last time I saw @therealflaws I beat him and he swore he would be back! I know his composition is strong and I'm sure he can comeback. Let's see what will happen.

I kept beating my opponents but things didn't go Jean's way and he couldn't come back. Sorry man, I'm going to win this game for you, or at least try to win it!

Can someone tell me what I'm fighting against right now? Rammus the never dying Rammus has 3 stars and on top of that he has 2 thanks to the InfiniTeam emblem. I thought I was very strong, but it took me an hour to kill even one champion of my opponent. I need to strengthen my composition now or I can't beat this dude.

In the meantime, I continued to defeat and kill everyone except my very strong opponent. I got to level 9 and managed to find a Mordekaiser. But Mordekaiser deactivates the Ace buff. I don't know what to do about it.

I finally managed to make Blitzcrank 3 stars but I need to make my legendary champions 2 stars. I need to make Ezreal, Fiddlesticks and Mordekaiser 3 stars. Otherwise I can't win this game because my opponents are very strong and they both beat me.

Despite spending all my gold, I could never make Ezreal 2 stars. If I had done that, I'm sure I could have won, but I couldn't because 7 Anima Team was ridiculously strong. Also, all my opponent's augments were perfect. So he had everything to win lol. I don't know what I could have changed in my composition. If you have any suggestions, don't forget to mention them in the comments section.

Final Thoughts About Compositions

You need this augment of Ashe to play this composition. As long as you have this augment the composition is incredibly strong. Just making Ashe 3 stars will win you the game. The reason why I came 2nd is because my opponent was incredibly strong and I couldn't complete the composition. Ashe's best items are Runaan's Hurricane, Deathblade and Last Whisper. You can't lose with these items.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you play TFT, please leave your composition suggestions in the comments section. Take care and have a great day!

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Hello Incubuls

I haven't played the game. Battle looks nice. As you kept beating your opponent, combination must be great. Well done.👌👌


Thank you mate! Glad you like my post but wish you can write my username correct 🤣


I'm sorry incublus.I did it correctly but it's my fingers did the mistake for over speed😂


good strategy to play ashe i love it but in the summoner's rift.


Yeah she is pretty strong in summoner's rift too. You just need to kite good 🏹


I can tell that friend you were playing with was bad haha ok no, laser corp became very popular in this patch, I like it because it's a composition that has many ways to play it :D


Haha yeah man he is a bad player but I love him 😅

Yeah and it's pretty strong. You just need a Lasercorps amblem or sth like that.


Runaan's Hurricane its a core item for Ashe; makes good synergy with the last breath and Mordekaiser ultimate; I think that with Lebrac you would have activated Warwick hacker carry and go to the enemys back line, together with Morde, Ashe and Fiddle you would do very good damage; If you had a corps emblem it would be great if Lebrac had it because she ends up killing everyone with 1 basic haha

I am not a Ashe player but you did magic with her


You mean Leblanc bro? Yeah this composition is pretty strong. Actually easiest composition probably. You just need an augment 🏹

I know you are not an Ashe player man, you are a Viego player...
