Journey Towards Pipe-Line Track in Nathia Gali (Murree) from Islamabad


Asalam O Alaikum and HI friends!

 "Nathia Gali trip.jpg"

Whenever the heat intensity increases in Islamabad, I contact my friends and we prepare a plan to go to Murree or its adjoining areas, like Ghoda Gali, Patriata, Bhurban and Nathia Gali. In all these areas you will find cool weather.



Sometimes we three to four friends agree for such a trip and sometimes only one is up for such an adventure. This time my partner was Bilal and we decided to head for the Pipeline Track of Nathia Gali. So, we went on the journey but on the way the clouds came so close that we stopped here unwillingly and started enjoying the weather and natural scenery.




While taking pictures with our mobile phones, a local man with a HD camera approached to us and offered to make HD photos, after settling the charges with this person, we both also made some HD photos, obviously there is a difference between the quality of mobile camera and HD camera’s pictures




Not in a position to post pictures of the Pipeline Track as we had just started on this track, the climb of which left us both breathless and decided to quit this but also, we decided on the spot that after increasing some stamina we will come back & conquer this track.

only single click during climbing pipe line track with the support of tree
