100 Days of War: Analyzing the Russia-Ukraine war from an economic, political and social perspectives - what's the way forward?

Today 3 June marks 100 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. This military invasion has caused setbacks to all stratas of the world economy.

An Overview of the Russia-Ukraine war
It started as a mere military operations that everyone thought would end in less than a month. Immediately after the invasion, several nations (most especially NATO members) condemned the act and called Russia to withdraw from Ukraine, but to no avail Russia continued with her military offensive airstrikes on the Ukrainian populace killing and injuring innocent Ukrainians.

The reasons for the invasion according to Russia is to liberate the separatists in Eastern Ukraine, most especially the Donbas and Mariupol regions and install new governments in the liberated regions. This according to the Ukrainian government, is an abberation of it's foreign policy, which is targeted at territorial integrity and to wade off any external aggressors from it's territory.

The refusal of Russia in retreat from Ukraine meant an imminent sanctions from members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO's sanctions was retaliated by Russia's refusal to supply natural gas to Western European countries who depended solely on Russia's gas supply for both domestic and industrial uses.

This means a great setbacks for the economies of those countries affected.

Western experts say Moscow’s limited territorial gains in 100-day-long incursion have come at an enormous cost.Source

This is absolutely true in the sense that the Russian government thought that it'll be a quick quick incident to take over Ukraine considering their military might when compared to that of Ukraine. Little did they know that the entire West will support and stand behind Ukraine both militarily and humanitarian supports.

It should be noted that since the military incursion in Ukraine, Russia has been fighting wars from two ends: Ukraine and Syria. Russia has been the sole support of Syria since 2016. This means that it wanted a quick one in Ukraine in order to concentrate on the Syrian front, but the one in Ukraine is now 100 days old today.

We’ve seen how important artillery is on both sides – nothing terribly advanced – multiple launch rocket systems from the sixties, and rockets … with long-range and high accuracy and high destructive power,” he told Al Jazeera.Source

Analysts from the West thinks that the ongoing between Russia and Ukraine might end through other means than at the battlefield. This is because, Russia's military munitions are matched by that of Ukraine West supported munitions.

With this in place both parties are prepared to prolong the war, making negotiation the only way out of the ongoing war.

How has the war affected world economy for the past 100 days
The ongoing war in Ukraine has affected the entire world in all ramifications.

Economically, Russia's monopoly of natural gas and nitrogen has brought setback to production and cultivation of crops all over the world.

Natural gas is so important to nations economic advancement due to it use case. It's crystal clear that natural gas is used as energy for Multi-National Corporations in Europe and America's and the scarcity of this product means reduction in production and hike on the said product.

Nitrogen on the other hand is used in the production of fertilizer that's used in producing grains, which is one of the most exported crop to other parts of the world from Europe. Russia's refusal to sell nitrogen used in producing fertilizers means automatic food shortage that'll lead to food scarcity across the world.

It should be noted that, the war has already have implications on the world growth percentage and has affected the projected growth level for 2023.

It's worthy to note that the collateral damages and losses in Ukraine is currently worth $1 trillion and as the war continues, there's chances of the recovery cost to move up to $2 trillion if the war extend for another 3 months.

What's the way forward?
The way forward is simple but technical, both nations needs to drop their weapons and head towards the negotiation table. It should be noted that the decisions of the mediators needs to be fair enough to avoid further escalation of the war. This means that mediators must be neutral in all ramifications and give fair judgement to both warring nations.



Fuck ukraine

Soviet nazi khazarian mafia bio terrorists

They are like the worst conbination of the worst evil groups on earth lol
