CineTV Contest: Frida, her real life in a movie


Greetings movie lovers, the CineTV contest invites us to share our favorite movie based on true events, this is a difficult task because these are usually my favorites, however, I am also a person who chooses the movies depending on my mood to write, so this week I have been thinking a lot about art in my life and how it has allowed me to meet great people whom I admire for their talent and at the same time these people have given me courage to create art. For that reason, the first movie that came to mind when reading the publication announcement is Frida.

Saludos amantes del cine, el concurso de CineTV nos invita a compartir nuestra película favorita basada en hechos reales, esta es una tarea difícil pues estas suelen ser mis favoritas, sin embargo, también soy una persona que dependiendo de mi estado de ánimo escojo las películas para escribir, entonces esta semana he estado pensando mucho en el arte en mi vida y como este me ha permitido conocer grandes personas a las que admiro por su talento y a la vez estas personas me han dado valor para crear arte. Por ese motivo, la primera película que vino a la mente al leer el anuncio de la publicación es Frida.

Frida (2002)



Frida is a biographical film that narrates the life of Frida Kahlo, this was a Mexican artist recognized worldwide for her pictorial art and also for her strong personality and her iconic outfits, studying Frida's art is studying her life, because her paintings are in mostly self-portraits, these paintings narrate her life and his emotions, they have an important surreal aspect, he also makes use of the self-portrait as a kind of personal catharsis of all his struggles, so the film also has very surreal moments, where the events of the artist with details but at the same time mixed with fantasy.

Frida es una película biográfica que narra la vida de Frida Kahlo, esta era una artista mexicana mundialmente reconocida por su arte pictórico y también por su personalidad fuerte y sus atuendos icónicos, estudiar el arte de Frida es estudiar su vida, porque sus pinturas son en su mayoría autorretratos, estos cuadros narran su vida y sus emociones, tienen un aspecto surrealista importante, también hace uso del autorretrato como una especie de catarsis personal de todas sus luchas, entonces la película también tiene momentos muy surrealistas, donde se narra los acontecimientos de la artista con detalles pero al mismo tiempo se mezcla con fantasía.

The film begins with a very young Frida, full of life, who unfortunately suffers an accident with a tram where a large metal bar crosses her body, seriously affecting her spine and one leg. From that moment on, they would begin the long journey. of physical suffering for her, she underwent many operations on her spine, after a while she walked again but with a limp, she also had to wear a special corset during her recoveries, she had so many health relapses that pain was part of her life However, in her constant bed rest she never stopped painting and expressing herself through her art. Seeing these scenes of pain in the film and seeing how she managed to paint while still in bed caused me a Great impression the first time I saw this film.

La película comienza con una Frida muy joven y llena de vida, que lamentablemente sufre un accidente con un tranvía en donde una gran barra de metal le atraviesa el cuerpo afectando gravemente su columna vertebral y una pierna, a partir de ese momento comenzarían el largo camino de sufrimiento físico para ella, se sometió a muchas operaciones en la columna, ella después de un tiempo volvió a caminar pero cojeando, también tuvo que usar un corset especial durante sus recuperaciones, tuvo tantas recaídas de salud que el dolor era parte de su vida, sin embargo, ella en sus constantes reposo en cama nunca dejó de pintar y expresarse a sí misma por medio de su arte, ver estas escenas de dolor en la película y ver como ella se las ingeniaba para pintar aún estando en cama me causó una gran impresión la primera vez que vi este film.



The film also addresses Frida's love relationship with the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, in the film it is clearly seen how this relationship was not good, she loved him too much and he was constantly unfaithful to her, the key point in Frida's physical decay was her frustration of not being able to be a mother, that is why in some paintings there is even her unborn child, however, within the physical pain and emotional pain she did not stop producing art, also the film took some licenses regarding topics such as Frida's bisexuality, which is still not admitted as true by her family, as I understand it, a bit of Frida's relationship with the communist cause is also seen in the film, but although these are important aspects the weight of the film falls on Frida's medical and love drama as well as her art.

También la película aborda la relación amorosa de Frida con el muralista mexicano Diego Rivera, en la película se ve claramente como está relación no era buena, ella lo amaba demasiado y el le era constantemente infiel, el punto clave en el decaimiento físico de Frida fue su frustración de no poder ser madre, por eso en algunas pinturas esta incluso su hijo no nacido, sin embargo, dentro del dolor físico y el dolor emocional ella no dejaba de producir arte, asimismo la película se tomó algunas licencias en cuanto a temas como la bisexualidad de Frida, la cual aún no es admitida como algo verídico por parte de la familia de ella, según tengo entendido, también se ve en la película un poco de la relación de Frida con la causa comunista, pero aunque estos son aspectos importantes el peso de la película recae en el drama médico y amoroso de Frida además de su arte.

One of the most exciting scenes in the film is when she is happy because for the first time she will have a solo exhibition in Mexico, but at the time of the opening she is bedridden, so she decides that she will go even if she has to bring the bed with her, and so she did, unfortunately after this her health worsened

Una de la escenas más emocionantes de la película es cuando ella está feliz porque por primera vez tendrá una exposición individual en México, pero al momento de la inauguración ella se encuentra postrada en cama, por lo cual decide que irá incluso si tiene que llevar la cama con ella, y así lo hizo, lamentablemente luego de esto su salud empeoró



It is completely true that reality is stranger than fiction, I cannot even imagine myself as a woman of her time, in an era where little space was given to female artists, she was able to constantly produce art and focus on her work. to the point of being recognized all over the world, knowing that she had such a fragile physical condition and that her spine was practically in pieces. The movie for me is one of the best. As an artist and art student that I was, I realize how difficult it is to go to a museum and see the works of women artists, it seems that history had taken care of erasing them in some way, but at the same time in the university the vast majority of students are women, so this particular difference between the number of women artists and the number of exhibitors in large museums seems illogical and unfair to me, I would like to see more Fridas in real life today, that all of them can exhibit in museums and get the recognition they deserve.

Es totalmente cierto que la realidad supera a la ficción, yo ni siquiera me puedo imaginar como una mujer de su tiempo, en una época donde se le daba poco espacio a las artistas mujeres fuese capaz de producir arte de forma constante y enfocarse en su trabajo al punto de ser reconocida en todo el mundo, sabiendo que tenía una condición física tan frágil y que su columna vertebral prácticamente estaba hecha pedazos. La película para mi es de las mejores. Yo como artista y estudiante de arte que fuí, me doy cuenta cuan difícil es ir a un museo y ver obras de mujeres artistas, pareciera que la historia se hubiese encargado de borrarlas de alguna forma, pero al mismo tiempo en la universidad la gran mayoría de estudiantes son mujeres, por lo que esta particular diferencia entre el número de mujeres artistas y el número de expositoras en grandes museos me parece ilógica e injusta, yo quisiera ver más Fridas en la vida real de la actualidad, que todas puedan exponer en museos y tener el reconocimiento que merecen.

Espero les haya gustado. Les invito a leer mis próximas publicaciones y siempre estaré dispuesta a responder sus preguntas y comentarios, también pueden seguirme y contactarme en cualquiera de mis redes sociales. ¡Muchas gracias!

I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361


Adoro a Frida, me encanta su ejemplo y el legado de empoderamiento que nos dejó a las mujeres. 🥰🙏


I love her.

Remarkable woman. She must have endured so much as a powerful spirit in a time like that.

With her strength when women were preferred to be submissive.

With her disability when we women are valued, mostly, on our appearance.

In her poly-amorous marriage which is, still today, somewhat taboo.

With her curiosity to live a life less ordinary and her artist's nature when women were expected to conform.

To her refusal to fit in to society's dictates regarding sexuality.

With her inability to have kids (only known about now, so thanks for this post), when women who did not (and to this day do not) are seen as "odd".

And more...

It must have been a very hard, but I imagine a very profound, life to have lived. Which is probably why she remains one of the most powerful female figures in the world of art for us!

A brave and courageous woman. And her art reflects it deeply.

Bravo for this one, sister 👏

(I haven't had the opportunity to watch this yet. I will!)


Frida is one of those people who came to mark the world with her presence, she lived only 47 years but became a woman with eternal life.

Thanks for your comment 😊


Wow... I also had no idea she died that young... :/

Pleasure. I do admire her so.

Have a great day! 😊


Somehow I feel Frida's pain just by reading your review. To think that someone has to pass through all that makes me sad. Nice choice.


This is quite inspiring and commendable of Frida. Despite her health challenges she could paint, love and remain focused, without self pity. She is an example to many women to emulate. She wasn't broken by her husband's infidelity but kept facing her art work head on, to the extent of being recognised. Very commendable
