Ore Monogatari: un anime que me hizo sonreír

Saludos amantes del anime, hace algunas semanas cedí a la tentación de ver un anime que me había estado apareciendo en sugerencias de redes sociales desde hace años, por la temática de este pensé que no sería interesante o que me aburriría pero lo contrario sucedió, pues no imaginaba que un anime romántico con un toque de comedia podría entretenerme tanto, Ore Monogatari me dejó con una gran sonrisa después de ver cada uno de sus 24 capítulos, algo que para una persona tan estresada, ansiosas y hasta depresiva como yo es una gran ganancia, pues con mi escaso tiempo libre no siempre quiero invertir tiempo de historias complicadas, a veces solo quiero ver una anime que me haga sonreír sin ninguna preocupación más.

Greetings anime lovers, a few weeks ago I gave in to the temptation of watching an anime that had been appearing in social network suggestions for years, because of its theme I thought it would not be interesting or that it would bore me but the opposite happened, well I did not imagine that a romantic anime with a touch of comedy could entertain me so much, Ore Monogatari left me with a big smile after seeing each of its 24 chapters, something that for a person as stressed, anxious and even depressive as me is a great profit, because with my little free time I don't always want to invest time in complicated stories, sometimes I just want to watch an anime that makes me smile without any other worries.



La historia de desarrolla en torno a Takeo, un chico de estudiante del primer año de preparatoria que destaca por su enorme tamaño, es un chico robusto y de muy buen corazón, es bueno en los deportes siempre, es servicial con las personas, es muy espontáneo y amable, su mejor amigo es todo lo contacto a él en cuanto a físico y comportamiento, siendo un introvertido chico delgado que siempre atrae a las chicas sin demostrar ningún interés.

The story develops around Takeo, a first-year high school student who stands out for his enormous size, he is a robust boy with a very good heart, he is always good at sports, he is helpful with people, he is very Spontaneous and kind, his best friend is everything in touch with him in terms of appearance and behavior, being an introverted skinny boy who always attracts girls without showing any interest.



En el tren Takeo defiende a una chica menuda de un acosador, esta chica Yamato ve a Takeo y se enamora a primera vista, debo decir que esta escena en donde Takeo la defiende era la que habitualmente salía como sugerencia en mis redes y por eso este anime llamo mi atención, es muy divertida la manera en que comienza este anime, por su opuesto que cuando vi el capitulo me sentí genial al ver como Takeo le daba su merecido a tal acosador de chicas.

On the train Takeo defends a petite girl from a stalker, this girl named Yamato sees Takeo and falls in love at first sight, I must say that this scene where Takeo defends her was the one that usually came out as a suggestion on my networks and that's why this anime caught my attention, the way this anime begins is very funny, on the contrary that when I saw the chapter I felt great to see how Takeo gave such a girl stalker what he deserved.



Yo pensaba que me iba aburrir de tanto romance tierno, pero no, esta anime tiene la dosis de romance y comedia preciso para no aburrir, de hecho es tan lindo que creo termino cambiando mi percepción de este tipo de historias, pues siempre estaba acostumbrada a que los animes románticos terminaban siendo toda una red de caprichos, patrañas, celos y otras cosas que son comunes en las series de televisión que no me gustan, pero Ore Monogatari no es un anime tóxico , es un anime muy lindo que recomiendo ver a todos los que quieran sonreír por un rato.

I thought that I was going to get bored with so much cute romance, but no, this anime has the right dose of romance and comedy to not bore you, in fact it is so cute that I think I end up changing my perception of this type of story, because I was always used to that romantic animes ended up being a whole network of whims, lies, jealousy and other things that are common in television series that I don't like, but Ore Monogatari is not a toxic anime, it's a very nice anime that I recommend everyone to watch those who want to smile for a while.



Por otro lado yo pensaba que este iba a ser como esas historias en donde el chico grande está enamorado de una chica que no le corresponde, pero ente se anime queda claro que Yamato lo ama desde el primer momento y que considera que el es un chico genial, yo particularmente en el personaje de Takeo veo todo lo que verdaderamente importa en una persona , es una amigo leal, es amable con todos y defiende a los demás, siempre está apoyando a sus amigos y compañeros es un buen hijo, es responsable, determinado y eso me encanta .

On the other hand, I thought that this was going to be like those stories where the big boy is in love with a girl who doesn't belong to him, but once he gets excited, it's clear that Yamato loves him from the first moment and that he considers him to be a boy. great, particularly in the character of Takeo I see everything that really matters in a person, he is a loyal friend, he is kind to everyone and defends others, he is always supporting his friends and colleagues, he is a good son, he is responsible, determined and I love that.

Espero les haya gustado. Les invito a leer mis próximas publicaciones y siempre estaré dispuesta a responder sus preguntas y comentarios, también pueden seguirme y contactarme en cualquiera de mis redes sociales. ¡Muchas gracias!

I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361


I like this anime too. It's just cute and not so heavy to the heart. The story is simple. It's something you can watch lightly, like one with no worries. I think I've watched this 2x.


thank you very much for commenting, it is a simple but very nice story, sometimes it is necessary to watch things that make us feel good 🥰


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I've been seeing this a lot too, but I'm not into the romance genre🤧. Don't need incentive to make me go and get my heart ripped out😂


animes don't look like reality lol my heart has already been broken and i don't want it to happen again 😅


So it's both of us 😂


I watched this and it was one of my favorite romance-type anime haha I never thought that I will enjoy this genre as I find Ore cute and funny.


I thought it was going to be a boring anime, but no, it's lovely 😄
