Fears that annoy


Feeling fear is in our nature, it is normal. There are fears that protect us, as when we are in the presence of a fire and we try to get away from the place. But there are others that appear for no apparent reason and make life difficult for us.

I remember that as a child I was very afraid of the dark, I did not dare to walk in dark places. I saw the shadows and imagined the most terrible things. It was torture for me when my parents sent me to look for something in a dark area of the house, and I suffered a lot when there was a power outage.

That fear has accompanied me throughout my life. However, in adulthood I have managed to control it quite a bit. My method to fight it has been to face it, not to shy away from it. I intentionally expose myself to the darkness and force myself to think that nothing there can hurt me.

This type of fear has not been so difficult for me to overcome.

But there is another fear that I find more complicated, and that is the fear of dogs. I don't remember any traumatic experience in my childhood that made me afraid of dogs. I don't know why I'm afraid of them, but it makes me very anxious to walk in places where there are loose dogs.


The problem with that fear is that dogs smell it. Fear in humans produces adrenaline and that smell seems to excite dogs. So the more afraid you are of them the more likely they are to attack you.

In my case this is not a completely irrational fear, it does not prevent me, for example, from going out in the street, nor do I get paralyzed if a dog attacks me.

Sometimes I look at them and I see in them the intentions of getting angry with me. If I have the opportunity I take a stone from the ground and hold it in my hand, that in most cases is enough to dissuade them. The truth is that they have never bitten me, but they have approached me barking furiously.

My walking site is near my house, it is an area where there are usually loose dogs. I almost never go for a walk without a small stick in my hands, I carry it as protection against dogs. Sometimes I forget it and go back to look for it because I know that if I go on my walk it will not be pleasant, I will be afraid all the time.

I can tolerate other animals like cockroaches, spiders or rats. I am not afraid of them, but I am a little bit disgusted, disgusted, another feeling that can also be very annoying.

At this stage of my life a new fear has appeared, more related to the conditions of my country, I am afraid of getting sick and not being able to be properly cared for. Someone living in a "normal" society may not understand this very well, it is understandable...


But it is not exaggerated to feel this fear in a country like mine where public health is very bad and private health is practically impossible to afford.

When I was young I never felt this kind of fear and I was always able to find the resources to take care of my parents when they got sick, but things have changed....
Unlike fear of the dark or fear of dogs where I can take some actions to deal with them, with the latter fear there is little I can do...

I try is not to think too much about the matter because I understand that it is something completely useless. The situation does not depend on me, I cannot control it, and consequently there is very little I can do...But this fear is out there latent...

This is my entry to the challenge proposed by friend @galenkp for week 157.

Thanks for your time.

Images edited in HDR Max and Photoshop.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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but it makes me very anxious to walk in places where there are loose dogs.

I can totally relate 😂. I'll never walk where there's a loose dog, I'd rather take another route. My sister has had a very bad experience with a dog and God saved her that day 😂.

You said you can tolerate roaches? Can never be me😭. I prefer dog to cockroach please. Have you tried killing a cockroach and it raised it wings and flew around your room? If you have then you should understand 😭😂


Cockroaches are very disgusting, in my area they always come out from the smallest ones to quite big ones that don't fly. I don't like them but I'm not afraid of them like I am of dogs.

Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear @teknon . A big hug from Maracay.


Cockroaches are very disgusting

They really are😭.

A big hug from Maracay.



I am also afraid of dogs. I've never been bitten by one and I hope that doesn't happen. When I visit a house and a dog is loose, no matter how affectionate it is, I am alert because I don't trust them, since I am in their territory. And if the dog is fierce and just when it sees me it starts barking, I ask to please put it away or chain it, otherwise I don't go in. It is something that has been with me all my life, although it is not a fear that paralyzes you, but keeps you alert.

Talking about our fears is not easy, it takes courage to do it. I liked the way you approached the subject. Greetings, dear @irvinc.


Reading the comments and publications of the initiative I realize that there are a few of us who are afraid of dogs. It's funny, I didn't know it was so common.

Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear @juniorgomez . A big hug from Maracay.


Indeed, that's one of my fears as well. Being in the dark. I overthink somehow which is why but little by little as we grow old those fears we have inside could be bearable. God bless.


Now I'm not bothered by the fear of the dark, I've learned to control it quite a bit. Thank you very much for your visit and your blessings dear friend @amoreyl . A big hug from Maracay.


Don't mention it my friend, it's my pleasure.. Warm hugs on your way also. God bless.


I love dogs but I am also aware of their great power, I am cautious with them, I am not afraid of them but if a foreign dog approaches in a friendly way I am attentive, I have had dogs in the past and I loved them very much and also if I go to a house with dogs I ask the owner if I can touch the dog or if it is tame, I never overdo it, sometimes I only touch the head, because the dogs in a house can act violently if something bothers them, it is not common but you have to respect them I don't like to pet them excessively, I respect their space, just observing seems very nice to me, I understand that there are people who fear them but dogs are also very good creatures, adapted to live with people, stray dogs are sometimes very quieter than those of a house.

Regarding the fear of getting sick and not having money, you say that I did not suffer from that fear when I was young, but unfortunately I have been feeling it for years, especially when I got pregnant and had no other option than to give birth in a public hospital where In addition, due to the crisis, there was no way to perform a cesarean section, that is, if my son's delivery was complicated, they would not be able to do a cesarean section so he and I could die, fortunately we had no problems and we came out alive, but that fear increased when My son was born, now my biggest fear is that he will get sick and I will not have money to respond to the emergency, it is something that even causes me insomnia, I fully understand your fear, it also happens to me because my mother, who is more or less the same age as you Mr. Irvin and I take care of her, I am very afraid that she will get sick and I will not be able to cover the expenses.



I have owned several dogs and I like the large breed. If I could I would like to have a Golden, they are very intelligent and loving dogs. I had one of those dogs and she used to walk with me every afternoon.

It is very unfortunate that a young person like you has to live with that insecurity. What really worries me is the helplessness in which we are with the disease.

I am lucky that my brother in Barquisimeto has some economic resources and he is the one who assumes most of my mother's medicine and food expenses. But we pray to God that he does not get sick because it would be very difficult for all of us to meet the expenses.

Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear Irene, @irenenavarroart . Blessings to the family.
