Gabriela's lucky day.



When Gabriela crossed the bridge she said to herself: how lucky I am! I was the only one to win that stay in the best hotel in the city.

As she walked through the corridor to check in, she was walking on clouds, as if it were a dream; I still couldn't believe it.

The next day what Gabriela did was look out the window and found that she was still awake in her dream. She immediately prepared to go downstairs to have her breakfast, surprised she saw some cookies in the shape of empanadas and took one and opened it and the word came out: you are lucky.

Very haughty, she said; how lucky I am, and headed towards the pool area.

She finished her breakfast and lay down on the folding chair to rest the food since she had plans to swim in the pool. This wouldn't be a pleasant memory if I didn't wear a bathing suit in this amazing pool, she thought.

Suddenly She hear a scream: He's drowning! Startled, she walked to the edge of the pool and there was a boy who couldn't swim because he had a cramp. The lifeguard jumped into the water and led him out of the water and gave him first aid.

When the boy was calmer, Gabriela approached him and said: you are lucky to be in the best hotel and that the lifeguard was ready to help.

Gabriela didn't want the day to end but the sun was already setting with a beautiful fall and the night would begin soon. He had to leave the hotel and so his dream would end. Suddenly a waiter arrived bringing her an envelope where it said: You are invited to the casino to try your luck since you are such a fan of our hotel.

All the games on the machine would be free for 3 hours, so Gabriela pulled the lever, stopped on the first 7, then on the second 7 and she tied her luck when she landed on the third 7, she had won a fortune in money with a pot of a lot of accumulated money.

The best and luckiest day of my life has come to an end, said Gabriela, and her admiration for the hotel was greater now.


Traduccion al Español:

El afortunado dia de Gabriela.

Cuando Gabriela cruzo el puente se dijo a si misma: que afortunada soy! Fui la unica en ganar esa estadia en el mejor hotel de la ciudad.

Mientras caminaba por el corredor para hacer su check in iba como caminando en las nubes, como si fuera un sueño; todavia no lo podia creer.

Al dia siguiente lo que hizo Gabriela fue mirar por la ventana y constato que todavia estaba en su sueño despierta. Se dispuso de inmediato a bajar para tomar su desayuno, extrañada vio unas galletas con forma de empanadas y tomo una y la abrio y le salio la palabra: tu eres afortunada.

Muy altiva dijo; que afortunada soy y se dirigio hacia el area de la piscina.

Termino su desayuno y se tumbo en la silla plegable para reposar la comida ya que tenia planes de bañarse en la piscina. Este no seria un grato recuerdo si no uso el traje de baño en esta increible piscina, penso.

De repente escucho un grito: Se ahoga ! Sobresaltada camino hacia la orilla de la piscina y estaba un chico que no podia nadar porque le habia dado un calambre. El salvavidas se tiro al agua y lo condujo fuera del agua y le dio los primeros auxilios.

Cuando el chico estaba mas tranquilo Gabriela se le acerco y le dijo: tienes la fortuna de estar en el mejor hotel y de que el salvavidas estuviera listo para ayudar.

Gabriela no queria que el dia terminara pero ya el sol se ocultaba con una hermosa caida y la noche comenzaria pronto. Debia dejar el hotel y asi terminaria su sueño. De repente llego un mesero trayendole un sobre donde decia: Estas invitada para el casino para probar fortuna ya que eres tan admiradora de nuestro hotel.

Todos los juegos de la maquina serian gratis durante 3 horas, asi que Gabriela tiro la palanca, paro en el primer 7, luego en el segundo 7 y ella ligaba su suerte cuando cayo en el tercer 7, habia ganado una fortuna en dinero con un pote de mucho dinero acumulado.

Ha terminado el mejor y mas afortunado dia de mi vida, dijo Gabriela y su admiracion por el hotel ahora era mas grande.



Would be cool to take a vacation in such a fancy hotel, it's a good thing the boy didn't drown.


Uno disfruta historias como ésta.
Gracias por publicarlas.
