Photochain Challenge: 143rd Edition - Paper / Park and Uniform.


Hello dear friends of this beautiful #photochain community of my friend @Davidesimoncini.

This week Issue # 143 brings us the challenge of getting a photo that includes a park and a piece of paper.



In front of the house where I am in Colombia there is a park and a soccer field and there are also several schools around them and they always take the students to do activities there.



So when I left the house I was surprised that in front of me was my goal, the two words together in the same scenario. It caught my attention that the boys were walking with a sheet of paper in their hands and I couldn't stand it and asked them what the sheet was for?

The boy, all sweaty and his cheeks red from physical activity, kindly replied that they were using the paper to keep track of the number of laps they were giving the park. I think that some laps they forgot to write down since they were very entertained talking Ha Ha Ha.

Anyway, I managed to see that they already had a few lines written down on the paper, so they had already given the park quite a few laps. My keyword is UNIFORM since they were wearing a sports uniform, but it can be any uniform.


Traduccion al Español:

Hola queridos amigos de esta ermosa comunidad de #photochain de mi amigo @Davidesimoncini.

Esta semana la Edicion # 143 nos trae el reto de conseguir una foto donde se incluya un parque y un papel.

Frente a la casa donde me encuentro en Colombia hay un parque y una cancha de Futbol y hay tambien varios colegios alrededor de ellos y siempre llevan a los alumnos a hacer actividades alli.

Asi que al salir de la casa me sorprendi que frente a mi estaba mi objetivo, las dos palabras juntas en un mismo escenario. Me llamo mucho la atencion que los chicos estaban caminando con una hoja de papel en la mano y no me aguante y les pregunte para que era la hoja ?

El chico, todo sudado y sus cachetes rojos por la actividad fisica, amablemente me contesto que el papel lo estaban usando para llevar un registro de la cantidad de vueltas que le estaban dando al parque. Yo creo que algunas vueltas se les olvido anotar ya que iban muy entretenidos conversando Ha Ha Ha.

De todas formas logre ver que ya tenian unas cuantas lineas anotadas en el papel, asi que ya le habian dada bastantes vueltas al parque. Mi palabra clave es UNIFORME ya que ellos llebaban un uniforme de deporte, pero puede ser cualquier uniforme.



Good finding Isabel, thank you to join the contest again. Welcome and a big good luck :) !PIZZA
