Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What's The Hardest Truth You Have Learned!



The hidden treasure
It can be seen as anything that can never be truth or don't have value it can be hidden that means when you hear something that is hidden it means that things don't have value.you can say two pot that are black, it does not make any sense out of it, it can be seen as things that is truth but do not make any sense.
Hidden can be say as something that is secret intention behind what you say or does.you can hide things secretly to avoid some setting people to get in touch wit what you are hidden, let say for example gold or silver can be hidden it means a lot to you.this can be sonething that you cherish a lot and you love that will make you not to involve people into it, it can be and accidental way or an important things that is so treasure to you.
Let talk about something that you care and cherish alot, for example a treasure car, a treasure house, human beings can be so treasure to you, some one that is truth in what he/she says it can be treasure to was you.
The hadest things that can never be truth can be say as something you do not pay attention too or you do not care about because is not suppose to be truth, it can be in many ways of life.for example when people says a car can flys it will be so had for you to believe because you have not seen a car that flys and it will be very had for you to pay attention to what you can not believe.let give another example people can a dog or a cat can fly's know they can not but people might want to confuse you that dogs and cat flys but you will see it so had to believe because mammals are animals that work on land and give birth to babys mammals can also be humand because humans also works on land and give birth too.
Humans beings can not be hidden because we understand and we can predict there next move or step what they want to do.the baby's human beings give birth too cannot be hidden.sometimes a woman that give birth to a child can know what the next move of her child and what the child can do and undo.nothing can be hidden bescause nothing can be hidden in life .this life anything that is said to be hidden will be find out one day.
A truth person can be someone that can be truth in many ways of life that he will always stand by the truth even death can not let him to say the truth.this life it is hard to find a truful person that will always say the truth all the time that nothing on this earth can making him not to say the truth.
My contribution on this topic is that nothing can be truth hidden.
