RE: What are SOUL-BOUND Cards? [ENG/PT-BR]


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I think the point of this change is more balancing rather than a complete shift.

Moving rewards cards to soul bound makes there be an aspect that encourages accounts that want to be competative to make sure they're playing and growing their account strength.

After a card has been maxed they talked about being able to burn the cards for DEC which helps to ensure that there is still an earn aspect on these cards.

Further, the exact specifics of this aren't set in stone, what they described was an idea for how to make this system work rather than exactly how it would. We know the goal is to have an element of the game that is more about growing an account strength rather than strictly earning, while still maintaining ways to earn.

With this change, we'd still see earning of liquid assets in the form of SPS and Packs. And it's possible that the value of the cards that are held goes up because there are less flooding the market.

I think the key is a balance.

We've described the game as “Play 2 Earn” but I think this is trying to balance the concept to “Play & Earn” so that it's not completely emphasizing the earning over the playing… otherwise it's a constant chase to try and be the most earning game in order to keep players - and that's impossible to sustain. For the strength of the game we need players to want to play with a side benefit of being able to earn.

Posted via Veews
