Great Vocal Skills (Freewrite Challenge)


Source: Pixabay

Elma is the third performer of the night by which she sang "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston. It is a powerful performance that all the judges gave it a standing ovation. That night, Elma doesn't show any annoying attitude which makes her kinda different from her past attitudes. Flashback to a week ago, the director has talked to her, and nobody from the contestants know what they had talked about. They also noticed her change of attitude as she even congratulated other contestants who performed before her.

Before calling the fourth performer, the host thanked all the three contestants who gave great performances. Even the judges agreed that the first half of the performances already made it the best night for the entire season.

Rodney is the fourth performer of the night. He was called in with confidence because of his great vocal skills. He sang the song "To Love Somebody", the version of Michael Bolton. Because of his own flavor and outstanding vocal range, the judges (the three of them) gave a standing ovation too.

(Part 40)
