Día de campo con mis queridos amigos, recuerdos que perduran en el tiempo. [ESP/ENG] field day with my dear friends, memories that last over time.


Conocer tu país junto a tus amigos, experiencia UNICA!!
Know your country with your friends, UNIQUE experience !!

Desempolvando recuerdos, encontré esta joya! una tarde de felicidad plena en el campo, en los andes Venezolanos con mis entrañables AMIGOS! Muchos de ellos se tuvieron que ir del país, buscando nuevas oportunidades y la vida que se merecen.

Dusting off memories, I found this gem! an afternoon of full happiness in the countryside, in the Venezuelan Andes with my dear FRIENDS! Many of them had to leave the country, looking for new opportunities and the life they deserve.

Comparto con ustedes estos recuerdos que atesoro mucho y que con mucha seguridad, volveré a disfrutar.

I share with you these memories that I treasure very much and that I will surely enjoy again.

La vista era maravillosa! / The view was wonderful!

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Y el clima era formidable, mas para nosotros que vivimos en la costa, el frio era una delicia.

And the climate was formidable, even more so for us who live on the coast, the cold was a delight.

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Mi parte favorita de este viaje? Conectar con la naturaleza; sus montañas, el frio, los animales!!

My favorite part of this trip? Connect with nature; its mountains, the cold, the animals !!

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Y por mas cliché que les parezca, no estoy de acuerdo con los animales en cautiverio, sin embargo, acá les muestro estos amiguitos que estaban muy bien cuidados por sus dueños.

And as cliché as it may seem, I do not agree with animals in captivity, however, here I show you these little friends who were very well cared for by their owners.

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Al final del día... Descansar contando y recordando anécdotas.
At the end of the day... Rest telling and remembering anecdotes.

Los amigos son la familia que uno escoge entre extraños y decides hacerlos parte de tu vida.
Friends are the family that you choose among strangers and decides to make them part of your life.


Las imágenes son propiedad del autor, tomadas con una
cámara de ese entonces.

The images are the property of the author, taken with a
camera back then.
