Photography :- Beautiful random photography.

how are you all Hope everyone on this platform is doing well. Alhamdulillah I'm veritably well with all your prayers. moment I'm back to you all with a photography post. In fact, since I joined this community, the trend towards further photography has increased. And I do not know why I do not like photography wherever I go. And so a many days ago I went to the demesne beforehand in the morning and did some photography. To be honest, when I travel nearly, I know why I can not stop when I see beautiful nature. I just want to do photography. And that is why I keep doing further and further photography. A many days agone , I went with you to see the croaker at their sanitarium. So on the way to see such a beautiful road and nature didn't leave you. I went down to do photography. Because similar nature isn't delightful for me alone. Just partake a little peace with you.




When we were passing through Agar Gaon we saw beautiful green nature. A huge field. I do not know why it sounded like a vill. And a big banyan tree in the middle of the field has increased the magnet of the field. So anyway I went down and started looking around to see the nature. Seeing the nature and sky of green green Bengal filled my heart. also I saw several government institutions there. The thoroughfares of every government institution are beautifully decorated with flower auditoriums . also I went there and did some flower photography. But do you know that the same kind of flower theater should be planted in all places? And I also went around and saw those flower auditoriums .




also I saw some veritably cleanroads.However, it seems as if you're standing in a foreign country, If you stand and look at it. There are no people on those roads. Just beautiful beautiful nature. And the flower theater . As far as the eye can see only blue sky and green nature and pitch pouring roads. All these effects have stirred my mind for some time. That is why I allowed to partake some different types of photography. Actually I suppose photography is an art. In that case, photography isn't so easy. But still try to make photography beautiful with time. I did some photography myself. I hope you like my photography.





This is a ocean photography. Bangladesh is a riverine country. There are numerous gutters and swell in this country. To be honest, the terrain next to the ocean fascinates people more. And there are numerous big vessels in this ocean. In fact, vessels in the ocean look different. Although the vessels are a bit far. I took this photography from the auto when I went to Chittagong. So moment I've participated this photography veritably beautifully with you. This is the photography of petunia flower. I like to see petunia flowers veritably much. But petunia flowers have numerous colors. No bone can say exactly how numerous colors petunia flowers have. still, if these flowers are overheated, the shops die. And these flowers in the hogshead look different beauty. A long time ago I mugged this petunia flower from a nursery theater . So moment I've participated with you a veritably beautiful photography of petunia flowers.

All pictures taken with Iphone 14 pro


The diversity of the plant world is wonderful.
