Concurso de la Comunidad de Damas de la Colmena #80//Ladies of Hive Community Contest #80[ESP/ENG]


Feliz tarde. Un saludo cordial a #LadiesofHive. Y a los participantes.

Esta vez voy a responder las dos preguntas.

1️⃣ Con la llegada de la pandemia mundial, el comercio online se ha convertido en algo rutinario. ¿Te gusta comprar por internet? ¿Has tenido una mala compra, el producto que pediste no llegó a tiempo o no era lo que se esperaba? Cuéntanos tu experiencia o si aún no compras por Internet, dinos la razón.

Si nos gusta comprar por internet.

Cuando decidimos que vamos a comprar, mi esposo y yo nos sentamos a buscar por internet. Yo anoto lo que el va viendo y mi yerno por su lado tambien con mi hija.



Para mí fue fácil porque nosotros siempre compramos por internet junto con mi hija y yerno, para aprovechar de cuando van a mandar lo que se compró sea en una sola caja.

Aunque en una oportunidad a comienzo de la pandemia. Mi yerno fue a Caracas, a buscar el pedido y estaba lloviendo llego al sitio, se paró, comento que estaba mal parado, la persona que lo atendió, trataba de hacerlo rápido, porque había mucha demanda, muchas cajas hasta que por fin le dijo aquí está.

Mi yerno firmó y monto la caja en la camioneta y se vino a su casa.
Cuando abrieron la caja, no era al de nosotros. Enseguida llamo a la oficina y le dijeron que la llevará, que le buscarían la de él, que no había problema. Y se la entregaron al siguiente día sin ningún problema.

Esta vez si reviso bien que fueran las cajas de nosotros.



2️⃣ ¿Cuál ha sido tu mayor logro a nivel profesional o laboral, tal vez un proyecto que te hizo sentir orgulloso o algo que hiciste por tu cuenta y que solo tú podrías haber hecho en casa o en tu lugar de trabajo?

Yo trabajé cuando soltera en una empresa que se hacían televisores. Mi trabajo era ponerle los componentes al circuito y soldarlo con un soldador de pluma y echarle el estaño, cuidando que no quedara fría la soldadura porque no habría continuidad de señal.



Una de esas veces, con las prisas porque estaba a punto de llegar la hora de salir, me quemé con el soldador al colocarlo.

Cuando llegué a casa seguía ardiendo y mi santa madre me dijo que viniera a echarle vinagre. El ardor desapareció inmediatamente. Me eché tres veces, cada 5 minutos.

Desde ese día, una botella de vinagre estaba siempre en mi bolso y en mi estantería. Gracias a
Gracias a Dios no tuve que usarlo.

Hasta que una chica se enredó con el cable del soldador y se le clavó en la pierna, ese día había estado ausente y se había quitado el abrigo porque subía a la oficina de recursos humanos.
Cuando oí el grito, corrí a mi estantería y volví al lugar y froté la herida, y el ardor y el dolor desaparecieron inmediatamente. Hice lo mismo tres veces, cada 5 minutos.

Después de veinte minutos, iban a llevarla al hospital y ella dijo que ya no le dolía. Y no fue.

Al día siguiente, cuando llegó, le dije que se mirara la quemadura y sólo le quedaba algo de rojez, pero muy leve y no le dolía. Los jefes vieron lo sana que estaba.



Me llamaron a la oficina, me felicitaron todos y me dieron un incentivo por lo que hice y en todos los espacios de la fábrica había un letrero, es caso de quemadura, abra el gabinete y rocié la herida con vinagre. Y avise a su supervisor. Y mi nombre al final. Llamen a Maura Infante las pocas veces que paso mientras estaba ahí me llamaban para ayudar al herido. Eso fue bastante para mí. Porque a mí me gusta ayudar, sin mirar a quien.


Happy afternoon. Best wishes to #LadiesofHive. And to the participants.
This time I am going to answer the two questions.

1️⃣ With the advent of the global pandemic, online shopping has become routine. Do you like shopping online? Have you had a bad purchase, the product you ordered didn't arrive on time or wasn't what was expected? Tell us about your experience or if you still don't shop online, tell us why.

If we like to shop online.

When we decided what we were going to buy, my husband and I sat down and searched online.



It was easy for me because we always shop online together with my daughter and son-in-law, so that we can take advantage of the fact that when we are going to send what we have bought, it will be in one box.

However, once at the beginning of the pandemic. My son-in-law went to Caracas to pick up the order and it was raining, he arrived at the site, stopped, commented that he was standing wrong, the person who attended to him tried to do it quickly, because there was a lot of demand, many boxes, until he finally said here it is.
My son-in-law signed and put the box in the van and went home.

When they opened the box, it wasn't ours. He immediately called the office and they told him to take it, that they would look for his, that there was no problem. And they gave it to him the next day without any problem.
This time he did check that they were our boxes.



2️⃣ What has been your greatest achievement professionally or at work, perhaps a project that made you proud or something you did on your own that only you could have done at home or in your workplace?

I worked as a single woman in a company that made televisions. My job was to put the components into the circuit and solder it with a pen soldering iron and pour the tin in, being careful not to get the solder cold because there would be no signal continuity.



One of those times when I was in a hurry because it was about to be time to leave, I burned myself with the soldering iron when I put it in place. When I got home I was still burning and my saintly mother told me to come and pour vinegar on it. The burning went away immediately. I poured vinegar three times, every 5 minutes.

From that day on, a bottle of vinegar was always in my purse and on my shelf. Thank God I didn't have to use it.
Until a girl got tangled with the cable of the soldering iron and it got stuck to her leg, that day she had been absent and had taken off her coat because she was going up to the human resources office.
When I heard the scream, I ran to my shelf and went back to the site and rubbed the wound, and the burning and pain immediately went away. I poured the same three times, every 5 minutes.

After twenty minutes, they were going to take her to the hospital and she said it didn't hurt anymore. And she didn't go. The next day, when she arrived, I told her to look at the burn and she only had some redness left, but very slight and it didn't hurt. The bosses saw how healthy he was.



They called me into the office and gave me an incentive for what I did and in every space in the factory there was a sign, this is a burn case, open the cabinet and spray the wound with vinegar. And tell your supervisor. And my name at the end. Call Maura Infante the few times that happened while I was there I was called to help the injured person. That was enough for me. Because I like to help, no matter who.


Gracias por visitar mi blog
Fuente de imagenes
Fuente de los separadores


Thanks for visiting my blog
Image source
Source of separators
Translator source



Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time


Gracias #hive-124452, por el apoyo que brinda a cada una de lsa participastes. 😘💃
