Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1126)

Hello Everyone!

A slow start, Distracted by distractions, Stopping the medicine, Bingeing is no by-product & Here comes the rain!
Alright, I am slowly getting it together here and beginning to work on the writing even though I am running about an hour behind schedule. The funny thing is that I have been sitting here the whole time (with my nightly espresso beside me on the desk) but keep letting myself focus on the coding projects... that I am trying to break free from... so that I can place my focus here.

Yet, as soon as I 'get there' (meaning I am ready to write) some idea pops into my head and off I go to see where it leads! All of which is why... I kind of have to 'swat' the ideas away... and instead... focus on spelling out one word at a time. The other thing to consider in all of that, is that even when I was letting myself get distracted... I also kept growing doubly distracted by 'not starting the evening writing on time' which yup was all as foolish as it sounds.

At least my mind is clearing up enough that I can truly 'focus' again because it sure has been challenging to fumble along feeling so murky-headed. Since all the soreness in my chin faded, my teeth have not been hurting and I have not had another fever... I stopped taking the amoxicillin... so that I can conserve the remainder of the small supply that I have.

If things seem like they are growing infected again... I will surely start taking the amoxicillin capsules no matter how few of them that I have. But, it it worth noting that they are for 'emergency use' and... well... the 'emergency' has passed. In other words now that they have served their purpose... it is best to make sure that I still have some in case something else comes up where I need them.

Anyways, last night I wound up being up super late... and lost the small gains that I had made with getting my sleep cycle back on track. I do not exactly have regrets about it... but by the time that I woke up (and stayed up) most of the morning had passed... and I dove into my projects with real gusto... hoping to make up for lost time.

On the bright side to all of that... I got a heck of a lot achieved during my 'late night work session' and having done all of it... it left me feeling rather accomplished... and super eager to get back at it again later. In other words, I went to sleep feeling like I had spent my time on something worthwhile... and to be blunt... anything that makes me 'look forward' to the next day... is always quite welcome.

It really is such a massive difference than when I had gaming as my main hobby... and although I am still figuring out 'exactly' how I feel about it all... I cannot help but notice the positive impact it is having on me. The big thing that sticks out though at this point is (like I have remarked upon before) is the 'bingeing out' part... which seems to be more a facet of my personality rather than the by-product of either hobby.

There are a ton of subtle differences that I have noticed whilst comparing those hobbies but it is difficult to articulate them all. That said though, I keep in mind that the coding hobby is still new... and thus I am sure that I still have some 'rose tinted glasses' on about it all... to one extent or another.

Of course, it just being 'new and exciting' holds its own sway... and who knows what I will think about it all if I do it for several decades... like I did with the gaming. Moral of the story there is maybe that after a few decades of doing anything a person should have plenty to say on the subject matter... if they so want to.

Just to clue you in on that last bit, it took me most of those 'few decades' to get 'good' at the game that I was always playing! I have not thought of it before now... but I wonder if it will take me as long (with the coding) as it did with the gaming to get to that same level of skill and alacrity.

On a different note, that bad weather is almost here and it is a very large storm system that is going to dump rain on the area... pretty much nonstop for two days. Since that is the case I took the time today to get all the unused dog bedding (and some of my own laundry) hung up to get 'washed' by the rain.

While I was out there doing that stuff, I got to thinking about how if a lot of rain is going to be coming down I could 'wash' a bunch of other stuff during it as well. So I took down all the other laundry that I had hung up along the fence and put it away... so that I would not have to fumble with it in the rain as I hang up new stuff.

All that jazz aside, I also did a bit of storm prep and made sure that the little greenhouse covering the outdoor tub would not get blown away. At this point I have it setup pretty good with the way that I have it tied down... and all that I really have to do is remember to lower the door flap... and zip the zippers on both sides of said flap... which sometimes I forget to do.

Well, on that note I am going to wrap this entry up and get on with the editing and posting portion of my evening. I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice time.


Another pic from my hike yesterday!

Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!

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