Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1132)

Hello Everyone!

Yes I am tired of making descriptions, It was a day, I did stuff & The weather was nice!

Alright, I am off to a bit of a slow start here even though I sat down to begin writing nearly an hour ago. I dunno how the minutes fly by so fast whenever it is time to begin writing... but it seems like it happens more often than not... no matter how hard I try to not let them slip by.

Most of the time it has to do with me fiddling around with one thing or another online... and letting myself get sucked into the loop of telling myself to 'just do this one last task' which yeah... seems simpler than it ever is... and is seldom the 'last task' so to speak. Eventually, I always seem to break the loop... but a better approach is probably to avoid it in the first place.

Anyways, I was up super late last night working on some coding projects and wound up sleeping in late into the morning... even though I had committed myself not to doing so... so that I could run the dogs on the vermin this morning. Hopefully, the progress that I made on the project was worth it... because all day I have been giving myself a hard time over not doing what I had set out to do.

I know that it is not the 'end of the world' over all that jazz... but I have fallen into a bit of a rut lately when it comes to getting outdoors. As much as I could blame the weather (or the season) I know that it comes down to what I am choosing to spend my time on each day... which of late requires way more 'brains' than it does brawn.

If you were to ask me why I am spending so much time working on my coding endeavors... I am unsure if I could actually articulate a meaningful answer... because at this point it seems like I have gone 'above and beyond' what merely replacing my gaming hobby (with a coding hobby) can account for. I am often at a loss of words to describe it... but I just feel so incredibly driven when it comes to that stuff... and a big part off that is probably due to enjoying it so much along the way.

Lately, it has become increasingly difficult to curb rambling on about the projects that I am working on... and although I could make posts dedicated to each 'project' or 'research area' the last thing that I want to be doing is making more content. Seriously speaking here, I decided to match my overall 'effort invested' into any and all content creation... to my 'return' on said investment... because hey, you get what you pay for!

That can assuredly get taken in the wrong way (and completely out of context sans any humor) but my point is why would I stop doing something that I love doing... to do something that I often find to be tedious, dull and 'underwhelming' in a multitude of ways. To be clear here the few times that I have found myself breaking out of my 'comfort zone' of these entries (to write more technical stuff) it was more out of a desire to marriage one passion with another and see what happened... if anything.

Throughout the course of my adventures in life, plenty of folks (except for me) have had a hard time either wrapping their head around or reconciling the oddity of me wanting to live in the woods with the barest of creature comforts... yet be totally immersed in technology. Well, I still do not have anything to say that would make that easier on anyone to grasp... but I guess that you could say that: I am just wired that way!

After all it is not like the 'absence of technology' is what has accelerated the human race into the modern era... and while some folks may romanticize about 'living in the bush' (or whatever they want to call it) with minimal technology at their disposal... that just seems counterproductive for the way that I want to live. It also limits the options of what is actually possible to a very finite set of possibilities... whether that be in the form of goods and services... or just in what a person will have to (be required to) spend their time on each day.

To clarify that last bit. If you have to devote time each day to hike several miles, fill your water jugs... and then hike back (lugging along the filled jugs by hand) you begin to appreciate the advent of indoor plumbing. I know that most folks have no idea what devoting their time to such tasks each day truly involves... or what a trade-off it is with other things they could be doing... but when the choice is to either hike or go thirsty... hiking starts seeming quite appealing to say the least.

On a different note, the weather has been warming up a good bit and it is looking like there will be some big rainstorms arriving just in time for the holidays. Previously I had mentioned that maybe I should find a way to celebrate or something... and although I was thinking to have a fire I may have to alter those plans now.

I was actually kind of relieved about it all and although I will be breaking my long time tradition of gaming during the holidays... I am sure that I will find some way to entertain myself. Most likely I will spend the days working on my projects... and doing my best not to let the 'weird feelings' that I have this time of year get to me too much.

Although I had not thought of it before, after writing that last paragraph I had the idea that taking a two day holiday away from making these entries (and anything else related to the social internet) is not a bad idea. The downside to that approach is that I would just be further isolating myself away... and I often enjoy overcoming my peculiar feelings to spread whatever 'holiday cheer' that I can to other folks who may have similar feelings as I do.

Okay, I think that I am going to wrap this entry up and get on with the editing and posting portion of my evening. I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice time.


I am unsure if I used this picture before or not... but I deleted all my pictures last night and failed to take more today!

Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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It's the Christmas season: give your friends a gift

Another great entry 😁
"weird holiday feelings".... can really relate to that one 😅
Hope you find a fun way to celebrate at least!
