Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1137)


Hello Everyone!

Silence is golden until its not, Some mild ranting, A sunny day, Gathering firewood & Jelly Roll mushrooms galore!

Alright, the sun set a little over an hour ago so I am pretty much beginning the writing at the same time that I did last night. I have no idea why it worked out that way because I fed all the critters an hour before dark... and sat down afterwards to begin the writing but never quite began doing it until now.

Some of that may have to do with having spent several hours working on that Hive Smart VM post today and feeling super burned out once I finally got it finished. Well, actually I know that it had something to do with it... because every time that I read it afterwards I found another frigging typo... and after numerous edits I was over anything to do with writing.

Expressing complex ideas is never frigging easy... and I am slowly finding out that ideas centered around coding are even more challenging than other ideas. There also seems to be an element of complication with folks taking said ideas seriously... unless the person espousing them is some kind of affluent wanker... but I best avoid that particular topic... or maybe I should not avoid it!

Honestly, the overall lack of encouragement and/or feedback has not made things any easier... but hey I have never been in the circle-jerk crowd so it is not like that is some massive surprise or anything. All my public sharing of ideas aside, there is someone that I tend to dump my ideas on privately... and yeah without their presence in the scenario I probably would have grown discouraged (and fed up) with it all ages ago.

Maybe I need to stop doing things in an effort to 'make things better' and be more capitalistic in my approach... because that seems like the only kind of socially acceptable motivation that makes any kind of sense to folks. I know that is a pretty big swipe to make towards a lot of folks at once... but it is the truth as I see it and I seriously doubt that view will change.

Suffice it to say that the silence is often deafening and while it is something that I am accustomed to in many areas of my life... and have been equally accustomed to enduring during many different phases of my life... I am rather over it at this point. In other words when the silence grows deafening... I make more noise to fill the void... and if folks want to then whine about all the racket I just shrug them off... and make more noise.

That is enough ranting and raving about all that jazz and as a final note and to answer the silent question: No I am not so crazed as to think that anyone would take me seriously given that I am 'just some crypto hillbilly' (did I get the term right?) but at the same time... I see some real dipshits getting taken seriously just because they have some material wealth that is directly connected to their big mouth... so go figure.

Anyways, all that stuff is obviously frustrating on some level... and although I have been aware of it... and actively ignored it for quite some time... it is reaching that point where I am fed up with it all... and it worming its way into these entries kind of proves that to me. Hence the ranting and raving about it in an effort to get it out of my system and move on.

While writing all of that a phrase kept popping into my head from one of my favorite books and it goes like this: Go then, there are other worlds than these. Which I think is just an awesome attitude to have... and my little brain has been translating it as: Go then, there are other blockchain communities than these. Which is a damn potent sentiment for me to be having in the first place... considering that I think all other blockchains (and their communities) are total fucking trash.

On a different note, the rainy weather finally cleared out and I was finally able to get outdoors... and catch up on all the routine chores that I have missed out on doing over the last few days. I also spent a small amount of time gathering up some firewood so that I can have a fire come new year's eve... but I will definitely need to gather a lot more of it if I am going to have the kind of fire that I want to have.

Whilst gathering firewood I could not help but notice that the jelly roll mushrooms have started popping up in earnest... and I had to set several of the sticks that I collected aside because they were covered in them. They are still the only edible mushroom that I know of that can be eaten raw (uncooked) and whoa I had a hard time stopping myself from eating them all because they were just so frigging tasty.

Okay, I think that I am just going to cut this entry short and get on with the editing and posting... because I just do not have it in me tonight. I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice time.


So many jelly roll mushrooms!

Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!

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