Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1138)


Hello Everyone!

Town Hall censorship, More Reward Pool removal chatter, Burning Layer Two tokens, A chilly hike & More firewood!

Alright, I am right on time today with the writing even though I do not really have much to say... after ranting and raving in that latest Something Different entry that I made earlier today. I do not actually recommend folks reading it... but I am trying to stay in the habit of linking to the posts that I make.

It is also worth noting that I get downright fiery, hostile and verbally combative in it... which once again makes me thankful for the existence of the Rant, Complain, Talk Community. Heck, even given the nature of that community I am unsure if it was appropriate to post it there... but it needed to go somewhere!

In short, I finally took the time to see what all was said in the last 'Town Hall' meeting... and whoa did I get pissed off when it got to the part that I actually wanted to hear the most... and both the speakers got censored by the moderator! Since I had already wasted over an hour of my time just to hear said speakers get censored... without any conclusion to their debate... I kept listening to the rest of it.

Like the saying goes 'in for a penny, in for a pound' but honestly my hackles had already started to rise long before that point for various reasons that I will not detail here. One part that is worth mentioning is that the more that I realized that there is (possibly) a massive coordinated (yet veiled) push... to remove the Reward Pool... and replace it with Layer Two tokens... the more I realized that I needed to not only divest myself of Layer Two assets... but also make a frigging stand over the entire affair.

Hence, me sending the bulk of my Layer Two tokens to null... and later writing that rather volatile 'Something Different' post. Which was admittedly written with too little sleep... and not quite as much foul language as I would like to have used... but hey I at least got it out of my system. No apologies and no regrets there!

As a side note, I think that if this removal of the Reward Pool gains too much traction... I might begin a campaign which encourages folks to burn all their Layer Two assets... as a last ditch effort to save the chain from ruination at the hands of a bunch of money grubbing jerks... who are only interested in consolidating their power and increasing their coffers... at the expense of everyone else. I do not know if doing so would have much effect... but it sure beats doing nothing.

There are a few Layer Two tokens that I held onto for sentimental reasons... and because I feel confident that the folks who operate them are not said 'jerks' but everything else was fair game... and it felt good to watch them poof from existence. To be clear I was more making a statement by doing so than trying to have any 'network effect' but I think if enough people were doing it all at once... all hell might break lose thereafter.

Sadly, I had stacked up a good bit of ZING and POSH tokens... and had been having a bunch of fun buying and selling them over the previous weeks... all to have them wind up burned whilst making said statement. As much as I like the HoloZing initiative (and the fella operating it) I decided that a little collateral damage to make a statement is not all that big of a deal... and burning tokens generally tends to help the tokens instead of harming them. Unless of course it is being done on such a scale that liquidity becomes a problem.

Anyways, late in the day I went for a hike, got my routine chores done... and managed to collect some more firewood for that fire that I want to have on new year's eve. The hike was rather nice but I kept it brief given that the temperature has been steadily plunging all day... and even though it was still quite sunny while I was out and about... it was quite chilly.

Well, I am out of words for the day and the four hours of fitful sleep that I got is making writing this more effort than it is worth. I hope that everyone (except a few folks) are doing well and has a nice time.


Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!





𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 ℍ𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪'𝕤!

