Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1202)


Hello Everyone!

Sleeping weather, Stocking up on calories, Near constant rain, Storm shelter caves & So many unknowns!

Alright, I am right on time with my writing routine this evening... and I even have a little ice cream in my nightly espresso which is always a good sign. Having gotten some ice cream yesterday, I have been doing my best to conserve it... and have only been putting small amounts of it in my espresso... thus avoiding any major sugar crashes.

I have been (in general) eating a lot of food now that I have my supplies replenished... and I have had a heck of a time not eating as much of it as I can... all at once. Knowing that habit seems to occur the first day or two (after doing a supply run) I have begun getting a little extra bread and guacamole... so that I can actually eat a lot of it without messing up my usual rationing.

Last night I wound up being awake super late... due to being on the phone with an old buddy of mine... which resulted in us having a very meandering conversion full of opinions, perspectives, experiences and what not. It took me a while to realize that they were decompressing... after being a part of a theme camp (or two) at the Love Burn which happened not that long ago.

Needless to say I slept in a good bit because even after my phone battery died (and the previously mentioned phone call terminated) I still had a hard time falling asleep. It was slightly after noon today, when I awoke from a very sound sleep... whose dreams... although were peculiar... they were not too stressful or anything.

It was a perfect day for sleeping because the one hundred percent chance of rain (from the weather forecast) was spot on... given that it rained all day... and is still raining now. There was a chill to the day as well... and ugh the few times that I went outdoors... it felt like the 'damp cold' was creeping inward from every direction making my joints stiff and my hands feel extra cold in the process.

Most of the afternoon I spent on the computer, either doing some Hive engagement or zoning out watching an old science fiction show... that admittedly has become my go to background noise. The only things that I broke away for, was to do a small amount of my routine chores... and squeeze in a short hike during a brief break in the rain.

Luckily the bulk of those storms missed this area... and instead of tornadoes, lightning strikes, and thunder... we only got a bunch rain. Some of the more concentrated portions of those storms (on the radar) had some very large swathes of purple, red and yellow... and I was really glad to not get directly hit by any of them because they looked downright scary.

One of the things that I want to explore at the new site is the potential to build a small cave... to act as a storm shelter and root cellar. What I am looking for is a large rock-face that can accommodate some small amount of excavation under it... and be carved into... in such a way... that it will not compromise its structural integrity.

The 'cave' does not need to be anything all that elaborate as long as me, the dogs and chickens could fit in it... if there is an approaching tornado... or a place to simply shelter during 'tornado making' weather. Aside from that it might also work well in case of a fire... or most other scenarios where 'getting out of the elements' is a wise idea.

I guess you could call that project my 'secret agenda' because I have been mulling it over for more than a week now... and am fascinated with the chance to make such a structure. I would not want to live inside of it or anything... but it sure would make a cool 'feature' and of course have so many practical applications as far as storage goes.

There are so many unknown variables with that land... that it is challenging to truly wrap my head around what I am actually in for with the place. Given the amount of tree cover... and the rocky terrain I can at the bare minimum count on having plenty of 'wood and stone' available... so that is always an excellent starting point.

After doing lots of research of the surrounding terrain... I really doubt that I will find a spring on the site... but there is one particular area along the ridge... where there might be some kind of small seep. If it is a seep, it appears to mostly be due to surface water getting trapped in a large outcropping of rock... and then 'seeping' downhill where it converges into a broad gulch or gully.

That is all contingent based on what it 'looks likely to be' from looking at the satellite imagery... which is far from an exact science. If there is not a seep (or spring) in that area... it looks like the perfect place to either help facilitate them... or to convert to a very small pool by trapping rain and surface water... that I can gravity feed down either side of the hill.

Again, it is going to be interesting to see what all the new place has and/or can accommodate... and it is difficult not to dwell on all the unknowable factors. It does provide a sense of mystery and all... so that is kind of fun... but overall it would be really nice to know what I am actually getting into... so that I can plan accordingly.

Well, I think that I am going to call this entry good enough... and get on with the editing and all that jazz. I hope that everyone is doing swell (and well) and that if life has you down... maybe it is time to flip over... so you are right side up again. Ta ta for now.

Bleh! Just a rainy and cold day!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


Out of interest, how great a move (distance wise) will it be?


Almost a six hour drive out of the flat lands and into the mountains.


Building into a hill is a common Earthship approach.


Again, it is going to be interesting to see what all the new place has and/or can accommodate... and it is difficult not to dwell on all the unknowable factors. It does provide a sense of mystery and all... so that is kind of fun...

Sounds like an exciting challenge indeed and a fresh start. Already looking forward to reading your updates from your new place ;<)


Is fine if you're able to secure a place for you, your dog, and chicken. You have shown your farm the love. This weather is usually another thing.


A cave would make a good storm shelter.
