Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1204)


Hello Everyone!

Up early, Surreal dreams, Psyched about the land, More packing down & A different perspective

Alright, I am running slightly behind schedule with the writing routine because I once again soaked for a long time in the tub as the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. Having sat down to do the writing 'nearly on time' I let myself get distracted watching various homesteading videos and daydreaming about the new place.

Last night I got to sleep very early and it was a bit of a miracle given how much napping that I had done throughout the day. My dreams were once again on the bizarre side of things and they mostly involved a lot of surreal urban decline mixed with meeting new people and doing my best to get by in a less than friendly environment.

After a good night's sleep I awoke at a little after four in the morning and decided that it was a fine time to start my day. Whatever that I did during that time is admittedly a bit of a blur because by eight or so in the morning I took a long nap.

It was not until around noon that the sun came out and although I did not quite have it in me to empty out the entire shop tent... I at least bagged up more rubbish and got it all stuffed in the trash can. I swear every time that I get that can filled with a new assortment of junk the better that I feel about getting everything packed down.

The weather is supposed to improve a bit tomorrow and get sunny and I really hope that it does so that all those socks that I washed can get dried out before they start growing mold. I also have a bunch of other stuff that I want to get washed and hung up on the dog yard fence before it rains again and currently I have most of the places that get sun occupied by other laundry... that also needs to dry out.

Anyways, with all the food that I have been eating I have been battling feeling lethargic and that combined with the land deal being nearly finalized I feel like I am walking around in a daze. In regards to the land purchase I am more or less in a state of shock (or just stunned) that things have progressed to where they are... and another part of me is like: Do not count your chickens before they hatch!

It is truly a weird feeling and as I have said before having not seen the place adds this whole extra layer of 'what ifs' to my thinking. At this point though I am fully committed to making the place work regardless of whatever challenges that it presents.

My main focus has definitely been shifting more and more towards the packing and moving aspect of things and hopefully over the coming weeks I can make some real headway with it all. Sure I have already gotten a pretty good handle on 'what I am in for' (with the packing) but now it is time to get as dirty as I have to each day and just grind away at it all for long hours.

I also need to get cage built for Bob Backwards (the mal-social rooster) and perhaps order a few large wire dog crates to help make my life easier. When I first arrived at my current location having those big dog crates (in the tent with me) made things tremendously easier until I could get a proper fence built.

Something that occasionally grates at me is that I will be building a little homestead all over again and doing all the work that I have done before. As much as I know that this time will be different (because it will be my own land) I still cannot help but to have this 'twinge' inside me that translates as: Dang, I have to start from scratch... again!

As much as I could really get hung up on all of that I do not and instead I have been looking forward to this opportunity because I can drop much of the 'its temporary' thinking that I adopt in a new scenario. In other words it will be nice (and even refreshing) to only look at a place with a more long-term perspective while initially setting the place up.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for the evening. I hope that everyone is doing well and is good to each other. Ta ta for now.


Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!
