Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1247)

Hello Everyone!

Fading fast, Fitful sleep, Looking at incinerators & Catching up on chores!

Alright, I am right on time with my writing routine this evening... and hopefully can wrap it all up before it gets too late... because I am already fading fast. At least I have my favorite beverage to perk me up a bit before it begins sedating me... and yup it even has a small scoop of ice cream in it.

I am unsure when I wound up falling asleep last night... but I woke up repeatedly throughout the night which left me feeling more than a little groggy this morning. Of course I dove right into my Hive engagement routine upon waking... but all in all I did not give it a tremendous amount of effort.

At some point early in the day I started researching incinerating toilets (and incinerator septic systems) and I gotta admit that some of those systems are really nice... and maybe a better option than the biodigesters that I have been looking at lately. In short the main ones that interested me were the septic system incinerators (as opposed to just the standalone toilets) because they can also handle large volumes of wastewater.

The main drawback to those systems seems to be that they require propane (or other fuels) to operate them... and even the all electric standalone toilet ones require a paper filter... which yeah is not ideal in my perspective. Something that might be kind of interesting is to use the biogas from a biodigester to fuel the incinerator on one of the larger systems... but I have not looked into the math to see how feasible that would be.

Anyways, the day was not super productive... but I did get caught up on my routine chores, got some socks washed, got the remainder of the water in the tent dealt with... and finished washing that toolbox that I had soaking in bleach water. There were of course a handful of other things that I did (like treating the dog with mites with some sulfur ointment) but for the most part I just tried to 'play catch up' on things that I have not been giving all that much attention to due to all the packing.

Well, I had more that I wanted to write about but I think that I am going to cut this entry short and call it good enough. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

The blackberries are blooming!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


The appearance of the flowers is extraordinarily beautiful, thank you for sharing.
