A Day of Relaxation on Los Angeles Beach in Naiguatá | Un día de relajación en la playa de Los Ángeles en Naiguatá




Ayer tuve un día de relajación en una playa solitaria. Una que en temporada alta está abarrotada de gente buscando escapar de la tensión y bulla de la ciudad. Bueno, al menos eso, recuerdo.

Y digo, que recuerdo, pues hacía más de un año, que no metía mis pies en las cálidas aguas del mar caribe. Un total desperdicio al estar residenciado relativamente cerca. Lo admito, soy un tonto, algo que ahora me dispongo a resolver y aprovechar en lo posible las bendiciones del mundo mientras se tenga vida.

El plan era muy simple, nada sofisticado: preparar unas viandas con pollo, ensalada de verdura cocida; ya saben, papas, zanahorias, huevos sancochados y aderezado con mayonesa. Para completar con emparedados rellenos con lonjas de jamón de pavo y queso, dos garrafones de agua limón con papelón.

Así que mi esposa e hija menor, salimos en nuestro humilde y fiable todoterreno a media mañana, primero en búsqueda de nuestra invitada especial, mi cuñada, quién hoy está de cumpleaños para luego bajar al litoral central.

Nos llevamos una grata y emotiva sorpresa. Ella no venía sola, la acompañaba mi ahijada, una hermosa señorita quien había estado ausente del país por alrededor de cinco años.

Así que las lágrimas de alegría rodaron por nuestras mejillas mientras nos abrazábamos.

No faltaron las chucherías y algunas gaseosas. Nada recomendables si me lo preguntan. Claro, consumirlas una vez al año, no creo que nos haga un gran daño.

El escenario estaba servido con un cielo despejado y el sol en todo su esplendor. El recorrido por la autopista, con poco tráfico y una charla amena entre risas, hizo breve el recorrido de unos setenta y dos kilómetros. Por lo general, es mucho menos cuando vamos al club de playa: unos 30 kilómetros. Pero en esta ocasión, mi hija quizo llevarse a su adorable mascota perruna, quien por normas del club no son bienvenidas.

Yesterday I had a relaxing day on a solitary beach. One that in high season is crowded with people looking to escape the tension and noise of the city. Well, at least that's what I remember.

And I say, I remember because it had been over a year since I dipped my feet in the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. A total waste, considering I live relatively close. I admit it, I'm a fool, something I now set out to remedy and take advantage of the blessings of the world while I still have life.

The plan was very simple, nothing fancy: prepare some food with chicken, cooked vegetable salad; you know, potatoes, carrots, boiled eggs, and mayonnaise. To complete it, we had sandwiches filled with slices of turkey ham and cheese and two jugs of lemon water with panela.

So my wife and younger daughter and I set out in our humble and reliable SUV in the late morning, first in search of our special guest, my sister-in-law, who is celebrating her birthday today, and then headed to the central coast.

We had a pleasant and emotional surprise. She was not alone, she was accompanied by my goddaughter, a beautiful young lady who had been absent from the country for about five years.

So tears of joy rolled down our cheeks as we hugged each other.

There were no shortage of treats and some sodas. Not recommended if you ask me. Of course, consuming them once a year wouldn't do us much harm.

The scene was set with a clear sky and the sun shining brightly. The drive on the highway, with little traffic and an enjoyable conversation filled with laughter, made the journey of about seventy-two kilometers brief. Usually, it's much less when we go to the beach club: about thirty kilometers. But on this occasion, my daughter wanted to bring her adorable dog, who is not welcome by the club's rules.

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-04 a la(s) 8.40.03 p. m..png

Terminamos en uno de las áreas de playa colindante con la población de Naiguatá llamado “Los Angeles”, creo que la “C”. Sin contar a los anfitriones, no sumábamos más de diez personas frente al horizonte azul celeste que rompía ante nosotros en espuma blanquecina.

We ended up in one of the beach areas adjacent to the town of Naiguatá called "Los Angeles," I think it's spelled with a "C". Apart from the hosts, there were no more than ten people in front of the light blue horizon breaking into white foam.





Una orquesta natural tocaba en privado para nosotros, alternando el canto de las gaviotas con el romper de las olas zarandeadas por la brisa marina que dejaba escapar un agradable zumbido. Lo único discordante era la música del otro vehículo aparcado allí, a escasos treinta metros. Por lo demás, todo estuvo excelente.

A natural orchestra played privately for us, alternating with the singing of seagulls and the crashing of waves shaken by the sea breeze that emitted a pleasant hum. The only discordant thing was the music from another vehicle parked there, just thirty meters away. Otherwise, everything was excellent.




En un principio, pensé en no bañarme y quedarme a leer en un PDF en mi celular la obra de filósofo Epicteto. Por fortuna eso no sucedió, cuando vi a mi esposa divertida revolcándose alegremente en la playa en compañía de su hermana y sobrina. Recapacité y sin pensarlo mucho más, me lancé a las atemperadas aguas. ¡Una decisión digna sabia, no creen! Jajaja.

At first, I thought about not bathing and staying to read Epictetus's philosophical work on a PDF on my cell phone. Fortunately, that didn't happen when I saw my wife happily frolicking on the beach with her sister and niece. I reconsidered and without much more thought, I plunged into the warm waters. A wise and worthy decision, don't you think? Hahaha.




Caída la tarde, una vez duchados con agua dulce, retornamos casi con el atardecer. Hicimos un alto en un centro de atracciones del malecón de la Guaira, justo donde este año se efectuaron algunos juegos de la serie del Caribe. Aquí pude fotografiar al sol, ya rojizo, haciendo una perspectiva espléndida con el gigantesco carrusel (una rueda mecánica con funiculares en el extremo de cada radio).

As the evening fell, once we had showered with fresh water, we returned almost at sunset. We made a stop at an amusement center on the Guaira boardwalk, right where some of the Caribbean Series games were held this year. Here I was able to photograph the sun, now reddish, creating a splendid perspective with the gigantic carousel (a Ferris wheel with cable cars at the end of each radius).




En definitiva, una actividad recreativa a bajo costo y con muy altos beneficios: una re-conexión con la naturaleza. Por demás, muy recomendable para quienes viven cerca al mar en las áreas tropicales.

Espero que sea de tu agrado, y te animes a vivir tu propia experiencia. No olvides compartirlas con nosotros.

In short, a low-cost recreational activity with very high benefits: a re-connection with nature. Moreover, highly recommended for those who live near the sea in tropical areas.

I hope you enjoyed it and feel inspired to live your own experience. Don't forget to share them with us.


Las fotos fueron tomadas con una Nikon 3100 por mí.

The photos were taken with a Nikon by me.

Originally written in Spanish and translated to English by www.deepl.com/es (free version)



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The pictures you took are so beautiful


Hello @whitebean

Yes, pictures are as beautiful as the place. A haven of peace in the middle of the week, worth visiting more than once.

Thanks for stopping by.


Happy birthday to your sister in law. The beach where you stopped looks so calm, quiet and it seems you owned it or rented the whole place because there is no much people.

The beach is so beautiful and the water are so inviting.


Hello @jenthoughts,

Thank you for your good wishes for my sister-in-law. The beach is wide enough to walk a moderate distance. I was fortunate enough to go when others are working, but on weekends the influx of sunbathers grows. Not to mention during the holiday season.

I would be blessed if I owned it. Anyway, the best things in life are free, it's just that people sometimes don't appreciate them.

Thanks for stopping by


You're right, all we need to do is to learn to appreciate even on the things we thinks as simple.


Bravo, felicitaciones.
Celebro tu agradable paseo que sin duda te ha dejado más beneficios que los posibles males de los refrescos. Espero lo repitan pronto.


Hello, this place is wonderful, looks like you had a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing your experience with us 😊


Hello, @name0

Yes, you are so right. I had a very refreshing family day with healthy fun included.

Now, I think next week, we will do a mountain hike. To get some fresh air and tone up the muscles.

Of course, with God's permission. I look forward to sharing it here.

