Methods of distraction

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Methods of distraction

Being today a little stronger than excuses, I can tell you that a decision can mark a before and after in your life, if only you choose to learn to identify who or who are the people who add up to you, even if you have to start from zero (0).

Countless times I went out to protest... the lists that I signed and the exclusions that were given for not thinking the same way...

We love to be judges, we are judges by habit, we have great facility to issue different types of judgments of everything that surrounds us, and we do not even save ourselves with (self-criticisms that flagellate our intellect), our line of thought, which by the way this makes you free or condemns you.

I do not like what is happening in my country, because it has divided more than united... it subtracts instead of adding... today I have in my mind a feeling and relief of a father who works hard to maintain the present of his children, a mother who seeks quality of life, the grandfather who wants to see his grandchildren grow up in the country and not by phone (Video call), the lady who wants to buy medicine and food, or simply the one who wants to enter and leave the country and not have to pay thousands of $$ for an identification paper. ... we are citizens of the world and the limitations are our own, however, those of my country are imposed.

Down with chains... That is my cry today!... God and his mercy with us.

We reproach the fact that my "friends left the country" which I doubt they all left, or "how hard it is to meet new people and make friends" all are excuses and more complaining about it.

Believe me that if you do not consider it necessary, the idea will stay in your mind, and you will find it difficult to relate, if you believe that we are social beings and that we need those links to complement areas of our life, you will be closer to you to achieve it.

We do not spend our time looking for authority figures to tell us what to do, what is allowed and what is not, (politicians, policemen, doctors, teachers, family), and even what to think... ("experts", fact-checkers, etc.).

This indoctrination of which I speak leads to a state of infantilize in which a large part of humanity is submerged (probably less than the average...).

I observe in my environment zero responsibility for their actions, I hear phrases like: ("I was only obeying orders"); zero discernment ("let others decide what is the solution to all my and society's problems")... And in general, childish attitudes.

But... today I confirm that time has proved right and God works, because better times will always come, whatever your ideology is, it is time to heal, make amends and start as a true unity.

Many answers come to mind

I have nothing to do with politics or parties, I do not work for any of them, I have been thrown out of the first state of this great country. I was on the Tascón list and in the APP that was in the oil and petrochemical industry/Country, where you were not trustworthy for the revolution... in short, I am not interested in politics, I am interested, it is my country and my family, the present and the future. That is not difficult to understand.

One more thing... today I remembered so much...! Those co-workers (Friends) with whom I used to argue all the time for thinking differently, and now they live in other countries, who by the way apply that old slogan (they will not come back)... it is so confusing, but as I told them... time has proved right... that is now part of the past, and it does not matter much.

He who controls, does not live, survives! People tend to think that the ideas we hold are the true ones, that we have the absolute truth and that is why we defend them without taking into account that the person is giving us the information that seems convenient or how he/she interpreted reality. We learn from all this.

And standing applause for those of us who are still in this country and work tirelessly to achieve our dreams.

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Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Cover image is mine, edited with Canva

Translation with| DeepL


La verdad, que hemos vivido momentos difíciles y bueno no me imagino como la han pasado toda esa gente de esa famosa lista Tascon.

Siempre he dicho que los que más tenían poder adquisitivo, se las han visto aún más difícil, han perdido mucho más.

Dios quiera algún día esto cambiase, ya que todos no podemos salir del país por un mejor futuro.
