Vampire in the Garden | Do you think you can deny the way of the world?



This series is beautifully painful, a little slow, very short, and exaggeratedly lesbian, besides almost perfect, I say almost perfect because like any production has its details that make us doubt everything that happens because even in a post-apocalyptic world where humans fight against vampires to continue to exist, there must be logic, physical and space-time laws that should not be broken, but as this is not the first or the last series that does, there is no major problem.

Yes, here we are going to be placed in a world where vampires exist, and not only that, but they almost managed to end all human lives, reducing them to a few populations that struggle every day to continue to exist, becoming worse monsters than what they declare vampires to be. The queen of the vampires, Fine, and a human, Momo, will have a revealing encounter where their lives will be united forever and together they will search for the promised Eden where humans and vampires exist in harmony.


Esta serie es hermosamente dolorosa, un poco lenta, muy corta, exageradamente lésbica, además de casi perfecta, digo casi perfecta porque como toda producción tiene sus detales que nos hacen dudar de todo lo que sucede, pues incluso en un mundo postapocalíptico donde los humanos luchan contra vampiros para poder seguir existiendo, debe haber lógica, leyes físicas y espaciotemporales que no se deben romper, pero como esta no es la primera ni la última serie que lo hace, no hay mayor problema.

Sí, aquí nos vamos a situar en un mundo donde los vampiros existen, y no solo eso, si no que casi lograron acabar con todas las vidas humanas, reduciéndolas a pocas poblaciones que luchan todos los días por seguir existiendo, convirtiéndose en monstruos peores de lo que declaran que son los vampiros. La reina de los vampiros, Fine, y una humana, Momo, tendrán un encuentro revelador donde sus vidas se unirán para siempre y juntas buscarán el edén prometido donde los humanos y los vampiros existen en armonía.




In the beginning, I didn't know what the series was about, I only knew that there was a vampire in a garden, and in the first chapter when they laid the foundations of the series I fell in love, it had been a long time since I saw a loving relationship between women in a series, and here this relationship is overwhelming, you just know you want to slap them both so they react and stop acting like people who lack reasoning, like people who love to run away from what they feel and therefore are very contradictory with their feelings, sayings and actions; we are still going to love them, there is no doubt, and it is thanks to all that disorder that they have among themselves that they make everything sweeter and more painful for us.

As you can imagine, their escape together in search of the promised Eden is not well seen, so both vampires and humans will be after them unleashing chaos and war everywhere, looking to rescue one and kill the other, in both cases, and that simply can with me. The fact that it is two women who go through all that makes it worse, it is one more example of what is lived in reality, and to see the arguments they use to want to separate them, that tell them that it is impossible, that it can't come true, and more things, many more things that are like daggers to the heart, there was a point where I wanted to cry, but I couldn't, so I cried inside.


Al principio no sabía de qué se trataba la serie, solo sabía que había un vampiro en un jardín, y en el primer capítulo cuando sentaron las bases de la serie me enamoré, tenía mucho tiempo que no veía una relación amorosa entre mujeres en una serie, y aquí esta relación es agobiante, solo sabes que quieres darles cachetadas a las dos para que reaccionen y dejen de actuar como personas carentes de raciocionio, como personas que les encanta huir de lo que sienten y por eso son muy contradictorias con su sentir, decir y actuar; igual las vamos a querer, no hay duda, y es gracias a todo ese desorden que tienen entre sí que nos hacen todo más dulce y doloroso.

Como ya imaginarán, su huída juntas en busca del edén prometido no es bien vista, así que tanto vampiros como humanos estarán detrás de ellas desatando el caos y la guerra por doquier, buscando rescatar a una y matar a la otra, en ambos casos, y eso simplemente puede conmigo. El hecho de que sean dos mujeres quienes pasan por todo eso lo hace peor, es un ejemplo más de lo que se vive en la realidad, y ver los argumentos que usan para querer separarlas, que les dicen que es imposible, que no puede hacerse realidad, y más cosas, muchas más cosas que son como puñales al corazón, hubo un punto donde quise llorar, pero no pude, así que lloré por dentro.




The music is not only something that unites them in the series, but it is a very important part of the series, the songs are very beautiful, too much, and the more we listen to them the more a feeling of uneasiness grows in me, they are very melancholic and hurt, they speak of ideals and places that we wish they existed, that they would apply in the world, but it is not that way, so we can only suffer with them and watch them try to achieve what they want, no matter what the rest of the world says, they will continue with their plan.

There's only one person I hate in this series and that's Momo's mom, I fucking hate her like you have no idea, how the fuck can you treat your daughter like she's a useless living being that needs you to exist? How can you tell her that without you she's going to die, making her believe that she can't make her own decisions and that she's just being influenced by someone else? Agh, I hate her, she's the type of parent I dislike the most, I even just started getting a migraine while writing this part, now, I'll calm down, but yes, I hate her a lot.


La música no solo es algo que las une a ellas en la serie, si no que es una parte muy importante de la serie, las canciones son muy hermosas, demasiado, y mientras más las escuchamos más crece un sentimiento de desasosiego en mí, son muy melancólicas y duelen, hablan de ideales y luagres que se desearía que existieran, que de verdad se aplicaran en el mundo, pero no es de eso forma, así que solo nos queda sufrir con ella y verlas tratar de lograr lo que quieren, pues sin importar lo que diga el resto del mundo, ellas seguirán con su plan.

Hay una sola persona que odio en este serie y es la mamá de Momo, joder, la odio como no tienen idea. ¿Cómo carajos se te ocurre tratar a tu hija como si fuera un ser vivo inservible que te necesita para poder existir? ¿Cómo se te ocurre decirle que sin ti ella se va a morir, haciéndole creer que es imposible para ella tomar sus propias decisiones y que solo está siendo influenciada por alguien más? Agh, la odio, es el tipo de padre que más me cae mal, hasta me acaba de comenzar a dar migraña mientras escribo esta parte, ya, me calmo, pero sí, la odio mucho.




I just bit into a piece of peanut that tasted like cinnamon and it's weird, very weird. This series is beautiful, the garden scene is perfect, but the perfect scene is the ending, fuck, so many things happen in that ending that I was overcome with too many emotions and feelings, I can't tell you what happens because it would be a spoiler, but I assure you that you will love it.

This is a series with a proper ending, it's a happy ending, but it's not the happy ending we expect or want, it's the ending they give us and we just have to accept it, we can't change it no matter how much we want to, so watch the trailer, I loved it, it cheats a lot, watch the series, and enjoy it, but most of all, hate Momo's mom, please.


Acabo de morder un pedazo de maní que me supo a canela y es raro, sab emuy raro. Esta serie es hermosa, la escena del jardín es perfecta, pero la escena realmente perfecta es la final, joder, suceden tantas cosas en ese final que me embargaron demasiadas emociones y sentimientos, no les puedo decir qué pasa porque sería spoiler, pero les aseguro que lo amarán.

Esta es una serie con final adecuado, es un final feliz, pero no es el final feliz que esperamos o queremos, es el final que nos dan y solo nos queda aceptarlo, no lo podemos cambiar por más que queramos, así que vean el trailer, me encantó, engaña mucho, vean la serie, y disfrútenla, pero sobretodo, odien a la mamá de Momo, por favor.



Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


I calmly went through the post because I was enjoying it so well the way you put up the writing even without watching I feel like I have watched some part of movie. The movie review is great indeed. Even without watching it


Thank you! The series is amazing, I hope you get to see it.


Estoy que pago una mensualidad a netflix para ver varios animes y series que por otras vías solo estan en español y a mi me gusta ver las cosas con subtitulos. Hay vario animes y K dramas que tengo en una lista. Voy a agregar esta.


Hazlo, ves todo lo que te de la gana, y después no pagas. El algoritmo de Netflix al fin me muestra cosas que me gustan, y son cosas buenas, ya sé por qué mucha gente dice que Netflix solo tiene contenido de mierda... jkakajajajajja


La mamá de momo es la razón por la que no he podido terminarla de ver, desde que introdujeron al personaje me hizo pesadilla la serie, me recuerda a mi propia madre hasta cierto punto... Con suerte y años de terapia familiar mi mamá cambio, pero hace algunas décadas ella y dicha madre eran idénticas... Tengo que esforzarme para verla hasta el final, se ve que el final vale la pena.
