Building your future in a better environment



Growing up in a nice and cool environment, help our kid's to have a brighter future ahead, sometimes in life your surrounding can build your physical thinking, living in an environment without a good grown up children who are well train from their home. Let me say a short story about myself growing up as a kid in an local area, though it was somehow interesting but the disadvantage was more than the advantage, growing up as a kid in an environment full of people who think below, life in an local home wasn't what I needed, growing up there wasn't really bad but building your thinking in a way of thinking beyond people who stay in an local area think before they could succeed they need to pass through difficulty. I grew up in a family of five my Dad, mum and my three siblings but was the lass child.


Though, I was some one who don't love negotiating with people do too the way my parents brought me up, what am trying to say growing up in an urban area will lead you to not be exposed or been out spoken to be or been social.

Advantage of staying in a local area

  1. You are free to go out, and mixed up with people
  2. Your association with people around you will be punctual


  1. You will be bully by people who hate you with out any intervention
  2. life will be hard for people who don't have what they do
  3. Criminal influence will be much do too poverty rate
  4. Your speaking of English will be bad.
  5. Your interacting with people will be somehow bad

So life looks difficult staying in an local area but we are one on this earth but different thinking.
