Secret of success



I was watching a documentary recently of the lions hunt for food and study how the
Lionesses encamped around the prey untill they single out the one prey that was left out the pack and then pounced on that prey.

But a certain time the operation at times was always successful as they ran for hours without get the prey , but there a high point that got me thinking about something which am driving at.
So while this time the lioness encamped as usual and the herds of buffaloes were racing through and just in a split seconds the Male Lion jumped out from nowhere unto one the buffaloe neck and brought it down rough, and that was it,the meal was ready.
This was my thought, now not all pattern to success has to be doctored by the book or planed as the others are sometimes we need to jump the book and that's what makes instant success to some corporation and organizations, bill gates had to take a break from the normal way of "go to school to be rich" idea and that pattern even today is not longer invogue

We rewrite destiny when we stand out crazily and differently well some calls it madness others see innovation, push and ingenuity.
We are the makers of destinies and great books we are the makers and shakers of the world through constant ideology that's different from the statue quo...
Stop doing thing the same way and expecting a much higher and different result, a writer said that's madness. But asking questions of the old path not neglecting it and doing something brandly different from the rest will bring a difference.

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Fanatic write up. but what really baffles me is why some don't apply this simple logic. And the funniest things is that, this simple logic works like magic

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Brilliant! Don't just go with the little you know but try to got as you're directed to.
Like my mate said just apply thole simple logic which always work like magic

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Amazing and inspiring write up. Nice story with buffalo and lion. Indeed to achieve a different result we have to think differently by taking certain initiatives. Little wonder they say Fortune favors the bold. Thanks for this post

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My mom always says what’s destined to happen will happen. But I don’t agree. I believe what you want, you can add it to your destiny by working hard.

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Nice content and I must say this as a simple in way of adding my mouth to this great discussion, that,if you want to be different ,for things in a different way.

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It is an article which will motivates any human being on earth thats wants to succeed in life.

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I was watching a documentary recently of the lions hunt for food and study how the
Lionesses encamped around the prey untill they single out the one prey that was left out the pack and then pounced on that prey.

But a certain time the operation at times was always successful as they ran for hours without get the prey , but there a high point that got me thinking about something which am driving at.
So while this time the lioness encamped as usual and the herds of buffaloes were racing through and just in a split seconds the Male Lion jumped out from nowhere unto one the buffaloe neck and brought it down rough, and that was it,the meal was ready.
This was my thought, now not all pattern to success has to be doctored by the book or planed as the others are sometimes we need to jump the book and that's what makes instant success to some corporation and organizations, bill gates had to take a break from the normal way of "go to school to be rich" idea and that pattern even today is not longer invogue

We rewrite destiny when we stand out crazily and differently well some calls it madness others see innovation, push and ingenuity.
We are the makers of destinies and great books we are the makers and shakers of the world through constant ideology that's different from the statue quo...
Stop doing thing the same way and expecting a much higher and different result, a writer said that's madness. But asking questions of the old path not neglecting it and doing something brandly different from the rest will bring a difference.

What would be will surely be just be hard working so that your future that u have head about that it will be sine will latter sine
Hard working and prayer can make your destiny sine

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I was watching a documentary recently of the lions hunt for food and study how the
Lionesses encamped around the prey untill they single out the one prey that was left out the pack and then pounced on that prey.

But a certain time the operation at times was always successful as they ran for hours without get the prey , but there a high point that got me thinking about something which am driving at.
So while this time the lioness encamped as usual and the herds of buffaloes were racing through and just in a split seconds the Male Lion jumped out from nowhere unto one the buffaloe neck and brought it down rough, and that was it,the meal was ready.
This was my thought, now not all pattern to success has to be doctored by the book or planed as the others are sometimes we need to jump the book and that's what makes instant success to some corporation and organizations, bill gates had to take a break from the normal way of "go to school to be rich" idea and that pattern even today is not longer invogue

We rewrite destiny when we stand out crazily and differently well some calls it madness others see innovation, push and ingenuity.
We are the makers of destinies and great books we are the makers and shakers of the world through constant ideology that's different from the statue quo...
Stop doing thing the same way and expecting a much higher and different result, a writer said that's madness. But asking questions of the old path not neglecting it and doing something brandly different from the rest will bring a difference.

Thier is more to this mate and I want to say that you have really show that well enough mate , technically I want to say that your content by and contribution on this as really show how good things and life can be and the purpose of chasing the goods thins in life too,I must be very honest with you mate,this is really an inspiring

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I was watching a documentary recently of the lions hunt for food and study how the
Lionesses encamped around the prey untill they single out the one prey that was left out the pack and then pounced on that prey.

But a certain time the operation at times was always successful as they ran for hours without get the prey , but there a high point that got me thinking about something which am driving at.
So while this time the lioness encamped as usual and the herds of buffaloes were racing through and just in a split seconds the Male Lion jumped out from nowhere unto one the buffaloe neck and brought it down rough, and that was it,the meal was ready.
This was my thought, now not all pattern to success has to be doctored by the book or planed as the others are sometimes we need to jump the book and that's what makes instant success to some corporation and organizations, bill gates had to take a break from the normal way of "go to school to be rich" idea and that pattern even today is not longer invogue

We rewrite destiny when we stand out crazily and differently well some calls it madness others see innovation, push and ingenuity.
We are the makers of destinies and great books we are the makers and shakers of the world through constant ideology that's different from the statue quo...
Stop doing thing the same way and expecting a much higher and different result, a writer said that's madness. But asking questions of the old path not neglecting it and doing something brandly different from the rest will bring a difference.

Thier is more to this mate and I want to say that you have really show that well enough mate , technically I want to say that your content by and contribution on this as really show how good things and life can be and the purpose of chasing the goods thins in life too,I must be very honest with you mate,this is really an inspiring

Eu estava assistindo a um documentário recentemente sobre a caça de leões para comer e estudar como o
As leoas acamparam ao redor da presa até escolherem a única presa que foi deixada de fora da matilha e então atacaram aquela presa.

Mas a certa altura a operação às vezes sempre dava certo pois eles corriam por horas sem pegar a presa, mas aí um ponto alto que me fez pensar em algo que estou tentando chegar.
Então, enquanto desta vez a leoa acampava como de costume e os rebanhos de búfalos estavam correndo e apenas em uma fração de segundos o Leão Macho saltou do nada para um pescoço de búfalo e o derrubou brutalmente, e foi isso, a refeição estava pronta .
Este foi o meu pensamento, agora nem todo padrão para o sucesso tem que ser corrigido pelo livro ou planejado como os outros às vezes precisamos pular o livro e isso é o que faz sucesso instantâneo para algumas corporações e organizações, bill gates teve que fazer uma pausa da ideia de "ir para a escola para ser rico" normal e esse padrão até hoje não é mais invogado

Reescrevemos o destino quando nos destacamos de maneira louca e diferente, alguns chamam de loucura, outros veem inovação, impulso e engenhosidade.
Nós somos os criadores de destinos e grandes livros nós somos os criadores e agitadores do mundo através de uma ideologia constante que é diferente da estátua quo ...
Pare de fazer as coisas da mesma maneira e espere um resultado muito maior e diferente, disse um escritor que é uma loucura. Mas fazer perguntas sobre o antigo caminho, sem negligenciá-lo e fazer algo totalmente diferente do resto, trará uma diferença.

Isso é mais para este companheiro e eu quero dizer que você realmente mostrou esse companheiro bem o suficiente, tecnicamente eu quero dizer que seu conteúdo e contribuição sobre isso realmente mostram como as coisas e a vida podem ser boas e o propósito de perseguir o bens afinam na vida também, devo ser muito honesto com você, cara, isso é realmente inspirador

Վերջերս վավերագրական ֆիլմ էի դիտում, որտեղ առյուծները սնունդ էին որսում և ուսումնասիրում, թե ինչպես
Առյուծուհիները ճամբար էին դնում որսի շուրջը, մինչև որ նրանք առանձնացնում էին մեկ որսին, որը դուրս էր մնացել տուփից, այնուհետև հարձակվել այդ որսի վրա:

Բայց որոշակի ժամանակ երբեմն վիրահատությունը միշտ հաջող էր, քանի որ նրանք ժամեր շարունակ վազում էին առանց որս ստանալու, բայց կար մի բարձր կետ, որն ինձ ստիպեց մտածել մի բանի մասին, որով ես քշում եմ:
Այսպիսով, մինչ այս անգամ առյուծը ճամբար էր դնում սովորականի պես, իսկ գոմեշների նախիրները վազում էին, և ընդամենը մի քանի վայրկյանում Արու Առյուծը ոչ մի տեղից դուրս թռավ գոմեշի վզից և կոպիտ իջեցրեց այն, և վերջ, ճաշը պատրաստ էր: .
Սա իմ կարծիքն էր, այժմ հաջողության ոչ բոլոր օրինակները պետք է ուսուցանվեն գրքի կողմից կամ պլանավորվեն, քանի որ մյուսները երբեմն պետք է ցատկեն գիրքը, և դա այն է, ինչ ակնթարթային հաջողություն է բերում որոշ կորպորացիաների և կազմակերպությունների, հաշիվների դարպասները պետք է ընդմիջեն «գնա դպրոց հարուստ լինելու համար» գաղափարի սովորական եղանակից, և այդ օրինակը նույնիսկ այսօր արդեն անիմաստ չէ

Մենք վերաշարադրում ենք ճակատագիրը, երբ մենք աչքի ենք ընկնում խելահեղորեն և տարբեր կերպ, ոմանք դա անվանում են խելագարություն, մյուսները տեսնում են նորարարություն, մղում և հնարամտություն:
Մենք ճակատագրեր և մեծ գրքեր կերտողներ ենք, մենք աշխարհի կերտողներն ու ցնցողներն ենք մշտական ​​գաղափարախոսության միջոցով, որը տարբերվում է արձանի քվոյից ...
Դադարեցրեք նույն բանը անել և ակնկալել շատ ավելի բարձր և տարբեր արդյունք, մի գրող ասաց, որ դա խելագարություն է: Բայց հին ճանապարհին հարցեր տալը, այն չանտեսելը և մնացածից բոլորովին այլ բան անելը տարբերություն կբերի:

Նրանք ավելի շատ վերաբերվում են այս զուգընկերոջը, և ես ուզում եմ ասել, որ դուք իսկապես ցույց տվեցիք այդ լավ զուգընկերոջը, տեխնիկապես ուզում եմ ասել, որ ձեր բովանդակությունն ու ներդրումը դրանում իսկապես ցույց են տալիս, թե որքան լավ բաներ և կյանք կարող են լինել և հետապնդման նպատակը: Կյանքում էլ ապրանքները նոսրանում են, ես պետք է շատ անկեղծ լինեմ ձեր կողակից, սա իսկապես ոգեշնչող է
Verjers vaveragrakan film ei ditum, vortegh arryutsnery snund ein vorsum yev usumnasirum, t’e inch’pes
Arryutsuhinery chambar ein dnum vorsi shurjy, minch’ev vor nrank’ arrandznats’num ein mek vorsin, vory durs er mnats’el tup’its’, aynuhetev hardzakvel ayd vorsi vra:

Bayts’ voroshaki zhamanak yerbemn virahatut’yuny misht hajogh er, k’ani vor nrank’ zhamer sharunak vazum ein arrants’ vors stanalu, bayts’ kar mi bardzr ket, vorn indz stipets’ mtatsel mi bani masin, vorov yes k’shum yem:
Ayspisov, minch’ ays angam arryutsy chambar er dnum sovorakani pes, isk gomeshneri nakhirnery vazum ein, yev yndameny mi k’ani vayrkyanum Aru Arryutsy voch’ mi teghits’ durs t’rrav gomeshi vzits’ yev kopit ijets’rets’ ayn, yev verj, chashy patrast er: .
Sa im kartsik’n er, ayzhm hajoghut’yan voch’ bolor orinaknery petk’ e usuts’anven grk’i koghmits’ kam planavorven, k’ani vor myusnery yerbemn petk’ e ts’atken girk’y, yev da ayn e, inch’ aknt’art’ayin hajoghut’yun e berum vorosh korporats’ianeri yev kazmakerput’yunneri, hashivneri darpasnery petk’ e yndmijen «gna dprots’ harust linelu hamar» gaghap’ari sovorakan yeghanakits’, yev ayd orinaky nuynisk aysor arden animast ch’e

Menk’ verasharadrum yenk’ chakatagiry, yerb menk’ ach’k’i yenk’ ynknum khelaheghoren yev tarber kerp, vomank’ da anvanum yen khelagarut’yun, myusnery tesnum yen norararut’yun, mghum yev hnaramtut’yun:
Menk’ chakatagrer yev mets grk’er kertoghner yenk’, menk’ ashkharhi kertoghnern u ts’nts’voghnern yenk’ mshtakan ​​gaghap’arakhosut’yan mijots’ov, vory tarbervum e ardzani k’voyits’ ...
Dadarets’rek’ nuyn bany anel yev aknkalel shat aveli bardzr yev tarber ardyunk’, mi grogh asats’, vor da khelagarut’yun e: Bayts’ hin chanaparhin harts’er taly, ayn ch’antesely yev mnats’atsits’ bolorovin ayl ban anely tarberut’yun kberi:

Nrank’ aveli shat verabervum yen ays zugynkerojy, yev yes uzum yem asel, vor duk’ iskapes ts’uyts’ tvets’ik’ ayd lav zugynkerojy, tekhnikapes uzum yem asel, vor dzer bovandakut’yunn u nerdrumy dranum iskapes ts’uyts’ yen talis, t’e vork’an lav baner yev kyank’ karogh yen linel yev hetapndman npataky: Kyank’um el aprank’nery nosranum yen, yes petk’ e shat ankeghts linem dzer koghakits’, sa iskapes vogeshnch’vogh e

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I see that vision. I mean doing things the same way or following what others do thinking that's the sure way to achieve success is wrong.

There must not be a certain way things are done, Life can't be fun if only one thing is being done.

Variety is the spice of life. From time to time try out other ways and even if it's a self thought still try it.

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